~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

I will join! We set 8 eggs under our broody hen yesterday afternoon. They are all EE's, but hatch out to be some very cute chicks!!!

comptonsgonecountry- I have hatched in a bator a few times before and I have never used a humidity gauge. I just monitor the water level and make sure it doesn't get too low. And then when time to lockdown fill up the other compartment that my manual tells me too! I always have a good hatch rate. I'm more of a hands-off hatcher. I like to let nature take it's course, but thats just me!
Welcome comptonsgonecountry!

This is only my second and it's completely different than my first one cause the first I did a combined hatch of chicks, ducks & turkeys. This time it's straight chicks and I want to try a dry incubation, only cause I had it so humid for the first that I did get a 100% of my ducklings, about 60% of my chicks and only one lone turkey! So perhaps it was just too much moisture so I want to try it the other way since it's all chickens.

As for...

I'D BUY ONE! For the $3.00 it'll cost you at Wal*Mart or the hardware store, I wouldn't be brave enough to not, just to be on the safe side!

And as far as the eggs being old, might as well try them, if they don't develop - pitch 'em. I gave a bunch that I had washed/refridgerated to the neighbour one time and over half of them hatched! HAHA
Oh hey busyteacher! Welcome!

You beat me to the punch! You're brave, my husband keeps telling me to relax and I don't do so well with it, I'm very HANDS-ON!
I figure God had this figured out LONG before I came along so I will do what I can but leave the rest to his grand design! It is hard to keep from candling them everyday but since these are under my broody who refuses to let us touch them it will probably easier to resist! Maybe
Hey Everyone!

So I wanted to mention that one of my ducks went broody on me it would appear, ironically, she hasn't come out of her little doghouse since Wednesday (the same day I set the rest), not gonna get too excited yet cause last time one went broody it only lasted for 8 days.

I pulled her eggs though cause she's a muscovy and she'll be hatching mid-October if I leave them, also I don't need anymore ducks at the present time, but she's also stolen about 5 chicken eggs now so I've left her those to hatch, so we'll see if she gets some babes the same day I hopefully do!
Yeah for broodies!!! Here is a pic of my broody girl sitting. We call her Mama. She fluffs up real big, but her bark is way worse than her bite (she doesn't have a bite at all!)

I'm so glad to see others setting eggs. I thought I was to late in the year to be hatching chicks.

Has anyone dared to candle their eggs yet? I'm trying to be patient

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