~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

Oh right on! Everyone that gets some babes tonight be sure to post some pics in the AM!

Yikes, I have a pip. This Tuesday would be 21 days so this makes them only 19 days. Should I worry?

I also see two other eggs moving and hear chirps coming from the bator.

Not sure, they say if your heat was a little higher they may hatch earlier, I also think bantams hatch a little early too. I had a leghorn pip on Day 19 last hatch and it didn't make it...tough to say, if it's more than one - hopefully it's just time!! GOOD LUCK!
Waiting on 1 egg set in the incubator on the 5th

This is my first time and I am so nervous and excited

So far my egg is rockin and chirping, good sign I think

This is hatch day and all I have done today is sit and watch the egg

No pip yet still hoping this little one makes it
My egg finally pipped

Now back to the incubator to stare at it some more

I wanna post pictures so bad
Lorrie77: How exciting
! I know how you feel. I stayed up until 12:00 watching our first egg progress. I woke up at 4:30 for work and there was a little more progress.

busyteacher: Congrats on the two adorable little chickies

Sadly... I had to cull our early hatcher. He was two days early and had a hole in his stomach. Intestines were out and there was a lot of blood after his hatch. Ughhh, horrible feeling to have to cull such a fighter. He just went down hill after his hatch

Now I have another pip at day 20
. I'm crossing my fingers for a healthy hatch.

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