Setting Eggs 4/17! Who's With Me?

I have about 30 in one bator with a turner and about 40 in other that I have to hand turn and about 50 that need to go in . The ones in the auto turner will be on day 18 in the morn so i will take them out and lock it down. I was thinking of stacking the 50 on the ones that i hand turn since i will only have to have them on top of each other for 3 to 4 days . So if so I will join you. Has anyone stacked eggs like this is it ok ?


ok, I am in. set my first eggs this afternoon. 20 of mixed from my birds and 9 millie fluer's from a friend with 3 blue cochin bantams as well. I had the temp steady for 12 hours before setting them. now it has gone down 3 degrees. Is that normal? I turned the heat 1/4 turn up, should I turn it back down? OMG!!! this is my first hatch, can you tell? lol
thanks a bunch. that makes me feel alot better. I am guessing that I have a little more room for temp differences in the beginning than later in the hatch. I will check again before I go to bed and again in the morning.
Count me in! Looking forward to a better hatch than last time (power outage...ventilation problem...but I have 3 sweet little ones). We just set 6 Australorps and 6 EE`s. The EE eggs were so very lovely olive colour. I should have taken photos before setting.
Because of the ventilation issues last time we now have a circulation fan. I also have now successfully hooked my DH into the addiction and he has been great getting the temp. and humidity stable. So fun to have a hatching buddy right in the house.
I have decided hatching is a great way to slow the aging process. Time does not seem to move!
Good luck everyone.
mayapooh, yes, that counts!!!
big_smile.png is day 2 and I am obsessing that our egg turner is not working. Have started keeping track with little arrows but I am really wondering why I do this to myself
This is my 5th hatch but only my 2nd in many years. What I am learning is that there are so many variables that each one can seem like the first! I will be oooing and ahhing right along with you. And re: the worrying ...sadly...I`m right there too.

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