Setting Eggs 4/17! Who's With Me?

No Fair-- I don't have anyone who will understand the joy of oooing and ahhing through a tiny incubator window.

This is my first hatch.. and I hope I haven't gone and been silly by getting really good eggs.. I'm worried I'll have a bad hatch because of the newbie-ness...


Does anyone have any tips?
You have us silly
We will ooohh and ahhh with you!!! My last hatch was my first and let me tell was nerve racking, but I got through it! Stick with us and you will get lots of advice along the way! You'll be fine!
Ahhh-- that was soo sweet! I felt like if I got a hug from Caroline Ingalls (only she would be a chicken).

I should get some of my eggs tomorrow and the rest on Saturday... eee!
what do your incubators look like?

here is mine

10 gallon aquarium, two 60 watt lamps (had already from having reptiles), hardware cloth, carboard, aluminum foil, a temp regulator (25$), a fan from a computer, and a 10$ temp/humidity gauge.

here are my cochin eggs. i numbered them and then arranged them by color depth
i'm going to TRY and keep track of which color egg does what and which chick comes out of each egg. i dont know how successful i will BE... but we'll see.

will post pics of the wyandottes when i receive them (hopefully today!?)
Love your set up and your arrangement of the eggs. Good luck with your hatch.

I wish I had that much viewing space. Maybe I will look for an aquarium.
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I'll be setting tonight .. for my second hatch.

12 Salmon Faverolles eggs
2 Fav/Ameraucan eggs
2 Dominique
2 Buff Orpington
2 Black Copper Marans
6 Mille Fluer D'uccles

Half are shipped .. half are local .. should be interesting!

I just got my "6+" wyandottes!

there are 9 of them though!!... GOOD GRIEF!
if i have a 100% hatch i'll have 21 babies!

i almost hope i don't have THAT many... but the good thing is i'll have a nice variety.

setting tonight as well!


@akbufflady, thanks! i had the aquarium laying around because I had a cornsnake. He was a runt and lived about a year and only grew very little until he committed suicide in his water dish:( his name was twig, and i miss him. he loved climbing on my glasses. (See twig here)

@texasgal, i just saw your house buliding extravaganza page! exciting! are the boys and girl on that page the ones you hatched?
Lots of hatch buddies!!!
I got my bator set up last night. I figured out that I can fit in 5 DOZEN EGGS IN IT!!!!!
I don't know that I'll have that many, but I could if I wanted to.

I may be getting some guinea eggs from someone locally, so if I do that I'll have a staggered hatch since the guineas take 28 days (right?). Not sure if I'll hatch them all together or wait until after the chickens hatch. Would be nice to brood them all together though.
I'm setting duck eggs tomorrow,(apr 17) which seems appropriate in the wake of losing my favorite drake this morning... most of the eggs are his offspring. He was a Rouen/Saxony and the eggs are from Rouen, Magpie, and Pekin (maybe cayuga but they are all white with no grey on them at all...)

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