Setting eggs on FEB 10

How neat! I learn something new every day :) We don't raise anything besides prolific layers. I'm working on a small flock of lemon cuckoo orpingtons and when my youngsters mature will have a great flock of barred rocks. Have a pair of buff orps, too and then quite a few other breeds of layers.
My (future- hatch eggies!) Marans, EE's, little deleware, and whatnots I may get are going to be my laying flock. I hope my mystery chick is a pullet so I can keep it for my mixed layers. She may be a silver quail OEGB. That's the closest guess I've gotten so far. I only want a marans roo with them so I'll get some pure Marans eggs.
My quail should be laying pretty soon! They are getting close to ready.
My little serama roo Sal from our first hatch together has been crowing his head off for a while now. When he crows I call him Squeaky McSqueakster. LOL.

Fate can be kind of funny sometimes. There is no law restricting roosters here, but I worried having a gaggle of roosters might cause bad blood with the nearest neighbors. Not worried enough to be deterred, but still. He came over today wanting to know if he could mow our lawn to earn some extra money and since I though it would build good faith...and we would need a machete to get to the front door if I said no...we paid him to take care of it and in talking with him learned he wad a carpenter that often built coops and would be happy to help us get my pens up.
Hey there ya go that's a winning situation no matter which way you slice it! How are your geese eggs? Today is day 15 for me, is there a point at which we quit turning/misting/cooling? Like a lock down for geese?
Mom is okayish. She'll live. She was out of the hospital for 2 days before she developed pancreatis as a side effect and has been back in the hospital since, terrorizing the staff. LOL. She's an RN and knows instantly when they are screwing up. Medical professionals do not make for good patients. The hardest part for her is accepting her helplessness.

My marans hatched. 4/7 did anyways but one has a deformation on her foot with fused toes. I just had to save Jack who got stuck IN the feeder and started to over heat!

3 days ago I found my Millie fluers I hatched with you guys dead. No apparent reason. :( I am going to back out of millies now. The only birds from that hatch left are my seramas.

I set my first Guinea eggs 2 days ago! I won't keep any. I find them too annoying as adults, but I want the experience.
I am so glad to hear your Mom is doing well despite being back and forth to the doctor. I was worried since I hadn't seen you on in a while. I'm sorry you're having bad luck :-( My 2 lemons are doing great that I hatched thankfully. I guess technically out of 12 eggs I've set I only have 2 to show for it :-( My 3 geese seem to be doing well though! Is there a lock down for them to stop turning/misting? I've read controversial info between 30-35 days as their hatch days. I'm clueless lol.
My goose egg luck has been lousy. 4/5 died already. I still have 1 developing, so maybe it won't be a total failure. I traded my 4 Millie fluer chicks I was going to raise up and add to my now dead pair for 6 lavender orpingtons and 6 speckled Sussex eggs. I also have some salmon faverolles and olive eggers on the way. I REALLY hope I can hatch those favorelles! I want some of those!

I am just as clueless so I will lock down on day 28. Better a little early...
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