Setting eggs on FEB 10

awww did they all quit on you late or what? I'm afraid the other 2 quit on me, but I'll float test tomorrow I guess. Here is a pic, pretty sure its a sebbies!

awww :-( late quitters are the worst. I'm fearing the same out of Mike's other 2 friends. I'm pretty sure "he's" a sebestapol! SUCH pretty birds, and rather expensive lol. Not sure what we're going to do with Mike yet.
Well I'm glad if only one of us got a baby that it was you. I am setting and hatching eggs every week. My daughter doesn't keep up with individual eggs anymore. Some days there are new babies. She didn't even notice there are no goslings. I would hate for your daughter to have been dissapointed.
LOL she loves that dang goose! "Mike" is a she I do believe. Tried vent sexing, but wow I'm no good at that. I feel like I'm hurting the little fella's long neck. He seemed content on his own in the bator, but now that he's out he seems a little more upset. Anything I can do for him since he's a loner? I think the one egg may still be good. I float tested, one sank the other seemed possible. I read that depending on the breed, they can vary from 27 days to 35, so I popped them back in.

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