Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

Everyone's welcome 2016! And what a good idea. I have a few extra I may do that with. I just set them this morning
Thanks....I told my friend you started this thread so I think she is also going to join us shortly
Thanks....I told my friend you started this thread so I think she is also going to join us shortly

Here I am
I have some in the incubator that are due to lockdown next week and then the week after and I am waiting on eggs to arrive Saturday and some more to arrive middle of next week....and hopefully some more to arrive the middle of next week!!!!
I have not been having good hatches. I can do great with eggs out of the backyard, just haven't figured out this shipped egg thing yet.....hoping for a great hatch next week

And DDNONIN2016 set some silkie eggs together
this week.....She will probably end up with 40 chicks and I will still have none, LOL! She is a much better hatcher than I am......
7 in the little bator, 18 waiting to go in the bator today, 4 1/2 dozen more on the way (duck eggs in the mix) do you get addicted to this so fast??? I Just got my 1st chicks the first of March

After the 8 I picked up last night, I now have 52 chickens & 6 ducks already in my coops & brooders...and working on my first 2 bators fulla eggs
Put the eggs in the bator last night. My due date is around June 7th. I think the temperature might be a little low. Need to raise it a couple of hundreths. These eggs sure are different from chickens.
Welcome and good luck everyone! I was going to wait till 7 days to candle my little eggs but I think I'm going to do them tonight after they hit 4 days. I am kind of nervous, considering these were shipped eggs, though they only travelled one day and were packed beautifully. I'll report back here after they are candled :D
Count me in! I popped 4 eggs into my home made bator this evening.

Usually I wouldn't even bother for only 4 eggs... but I lost one of my favourite chickens last week and just happened to have 4 fresh and (what I hope to be) fertile eggs of hers sitting in my feed shed outside
They will certainly be odd little chicks if any do hatch! Mum was an Araucana X Polish and dad is a Cuckoo coloured Pekin!

If she was still around I never would have hatched any of her eggs... but she had a quirky little personality and I'll miss her!
LOL, it's easy to get bitten by the chickenbug!
7 in the little bator, 18 waiting to go in the bator today, 4 1/2 dozen more on the way (duck eggs in the mix) do you get addicted to this so fast??? I Just got my 1st chicks the first of March

After the 8 I picked up last night, I now have 52 chickens & 6 ducks already in my coops & brooders...and working on my first 2 bators fulla eggs
I set my 10 BCM today at noon. Our power went out this morning so I was a little late setting the eggs. We are going shopping tomorrow for a generator just in case the power kicks out again over the next 3 weeks.
Well, I candled my 8 MGB eggs (day 4) and it looks like 6 have veins and two look like blood rings. I am not jumping the gun though, and I'll leave the ones which look suspect till later in the game. BUT 6 out of 8 from shipped eggs is great, I think! Keeping fingers crossed they keep growing and that they stay healthy :D

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