Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

after all 0% hatch rates..... we were locking down tonight and as the final candle started...... a peeeeeep! Yep, one of the Marans eggs had internally pipped, then yet another one had internally (we think) pipped. Into the humidity they went. All 11 went in, all were moving.... some kicking and screaming. I'm soooooo excited. This is the one, folks.

This is what went into the bator:

1 LBCochin
2 BBS English Orps
1 Ameraucana (excuse the spelling)
7 Marans/BMC and BBS

I've put on another pot of coffee and told all the eggs that I've got loads of patients to care for tomorrow..... and they'd better get to it before 0900, and then have some rest until 1900.

OMG, it's happening. It's happening and I'm just about the most excited person in the world.
And you spelled Ameraucana right to boot!
Wishing you a GREAT hatch!

after all 0% hatch rates..... we were locking down tonight and as the final candle started...... a peeeeeep! Yep, one of the Marans eggs had internally pipped, then yet another one had internally (we think) pipped. Into the humidity they went. All 11 went in, all were moving.... some kicking and screaming. I'm soooooo excited. This is the one, folks.

This is what went into the bator:

1 LBCochin
2 BBS English Orps
1 Ameraucana (excuse the spelling)
7 Marans/BMC and BBS

I've put on another pot of coffee and told all the eggs that I've got loads of patients to care for tomorrow..... and they'd better get to it before 0900, and then have some rest until 1900.

OMG, it's happening. It's happening and I'm just about the most excited person in the world.
Congrats!!! I am still waiting, and keep going back to check. A lot of movement and no full pips, but I can just see where they are going to pip..... or is that my tired bleary eyes....?
I am fighting hard with/for my little guy. I'm pretty sure he was stuck, and I probably left him too long. I believe the membrane got too dry for the little one to continue zipping. I peeled back quite a bit of shell, leaving the membrane, and with q-tips I have been moistening the membrane the best I can. Since the chick pipped Saturday night, I'm pretty sure it is dehydrated. If he doesn't push out soon, I'm going to have to start peeling membrane away because he will need water soon. : /
Stevearino, I would peel him out completely now. That's just too long to wait. I admire your patience.

Jandrusrn, Congrats on your eggs starting to pip!!! Did your lecture work?

My lecture sure didn't. I set up a webcam to watch them. One hatched at 5:30 pm and the other hatched between 11-6. They completely missed the point of a school hatch!!!!
I'm that excited I don't think I'll sleep for days. (Don't tell anyone...... I candled just one egg. I know it's bad rah rah rah.. but I just HAD to see if I'd killed everything with the high level of condensation in my bator.... It took all of one second to realise I have INTERNAL PIPS!) Ok so I think I might have a melt down right now.

LOVE hearing your stories. C'mon guys MORE PHOTOS PLEASE! I need something to distract me!

Stevearino - HOW DID YOU GO! it has been 7 hourssssss already!!!!! I don't care that it isn't even 7am your time.. where is an update!
UPDATE: Well last night I peeled off quite a bit of egg shell, and wet the membrane a bit to soften it up. I left the chick there hoping it would be able to get out through the night. This morning it had not gotten out yet, and some of the membrane was sticking to him. So, I peeled him out completely. I saw no evidence of any yolk left over that still needed to be absorbed, nor did I see any signs that he still needed to absorb blood. The little guy seems weak though, poor thing. Got to hand it to him, he's been fighting hard all this time, and his breathing seems steady and strong, though that may be a bad thing if he's panting and just plain exhausted. I put him in the incubator, and I am off to work. When I get home this evening I will check again. I don't know if the little guy will make it or not, but I sure hope he does. If he makes it, I'll post pics this evening.
At least he made it out stevearino! Let's hope the little on is tough enough! Just be happy you have had a chick hatch at all.... I'm still waiting patiently for any signs and it is driving me mad!
Hooray for everyone, especially stevearino's little chick *sending lots of healing and positive energy to that one*.

Pictures, ASAP!!!

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