Setting eggs the week of May 7th (Here's to wishing the best this time)!!!!!!!!!

We're into it now for three Marans... and a pip on the LBCochin! I'm beyond excited. Now.... we still are having some "schmutz" on the bum of the babies, but they seem to be doing well. Other than the fact that baby number one is crazy stepping all over the other two. I suppose they just wanna snuggle.

Humidity is remaining around 80-85% right now and I'm doing everything I can to keep it there.

Yikes I sense no sleep for me tonight..... woooo hoooooo
YAY! How exciting!

Now I'm just super stressed. Is my humidity high enough? Why haven't they pipped any further? If I watch long enough will I see movement?.... Was that a peep I just heard?

EEEiiiKKKKK! Hurry up babies! It's been 7 hours since you pipped! DO SOMETHING!

Time for a pic! I'm getting so much action out of egg one of the left that I can't tear myself away! Egg 4 on the far right is slowly knocking more shell off and egg 2 hasn't done much since pipping (too small to see in this pic).

(The egg up the far left was an early quitter I think. I left it in there because it didn't smell or anything. Also ignore the reading of 23 on the hygrometer.... That reading is something random on the unit I'm using!)

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