Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

There are neighboorhoods that don't allow vegtables????? What is wrong with those kind of people. I am all with you! Grow hidden by flowers LOL.
The success you guys are having gives me hope!
My remaining 10 eggs are due to hatch in 5 days. One of my Blue Cochen hens went broody 6 days ago & I got the bright idea of switching eggs. The 11 I'd given her are now in the incubator, and the 10 that were in the incubator are now under Gracie. She's going to think she's Super Momma when she has babies after only sitting for 10-12 days!! Hope it all works
I came home to 4 chicks!!!! So 2 more hatched while I was at work and I see a few more pips... 2 of my blue eggs
and both of my other mutts.... No pips in any silkies yet

It is so hard to get a good picture of the chicks in the incubator.....but here is my FAVORITE picture of the day.

So the one that looked like it was splashy turned out to dry into a little chipmunk!!! So these 2 must be my frizzle cochin silkie cross ...

as my cochin bantam is black ..... and so are the 2 new babies!!!!


Sooo much happiness for the new babies! Love the wet one! I just think this is an awesome process, and what a great thing to come home to... right on guys... keep it up!

Okay so last night one of my Wheaton Ameruacanas hatched!!! This morning I checked the other one that had pipped .... smallest pip ever ... and nothing no progress nope nothing.... Well I jumped in the shower and came out to chirping so I went in to check and guess what??? The one with the TEENY TINY pip had hatched! From almost nothing to out in no time at all!!!
Well a bunch of time if you count from 1st pip.... 16 hours of rest and then bam out ... hahahahhaha I also realized that I set my silkies 1 day after my mutts & BWA!!! So today is day 19 for them tonight 20.... so hopefully they will start pipping too

I didn't use cartons this time as last time I had a silkie get glued to a carton and die.... but now watching the chicks play bumper cars with the other eggs I'm wondering if I should have tried again! Oh well too late now ... I'll get some more pictures when I get home from work.
Congrats on the babies!!!

We candled all our eggs tonight, and removed two obvious duds.... but the rest showed development, and some some showed movement!!!! Gettin excited for lockdown on sunday!,

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