setting eggs tonight 6/23 anyone else???

I put 13 white leghorns into my Hovabator 1602N on 6-24 and we went to lockdown yesterday. Today is day 19 for us and of the 13 only 11 made it to lockdown (1 was a day 3 quitter and 1 stunk up the bator/day 9 quitter). So now the real wait begins.
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I have 2 pipped, and waiting on a 3rd wiggler to pip.
Yeah the wait is what is getting to me. I keep wanting to to go look and I'm on day 19. We keep thinking we are seeing movement but not sure. We think it maybe just that we are really hoping it's movement.
the last week before lockdown is so hard...then you put them in lockdown, and wait. I was just afraid that none would hatch..

So exciting..I have a whole week left to wait it just might kill me lol.
Lol..that's what I did when I first saw them moving..

I force myself to stop candling them at all after day 15 which is so hard. Then once they are in lock down I only let myself check them twice a day and no opening unless it's a dire emergency. The price that I pay for my hobby lol. I have 27 in right now hoping they all make it to lock down we are day 13 right now.

Good luck everyone my fingers are crossed for you and I feel your pain
I heard cheeps so I rushed to the bator and found it was the birds in the magnolia nearby! My eggs are still stationary although I too keep thinking they are moving - I believe that's called wishful thinking
Why is this waiting so hard!

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