Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

well, I couldn't stand it anymore... I broke down and candled 2 of my 8 eggs... Nothing!! It's only day five and they ALL had detached air cells... it is too early to candle?? I am freaking out... I really want these eggs to hatch a couple!!

hmmmm I candled my eggs after 4 days ( I set them on Wednesday ) and they looked like this. No clear air sack though. Out of 24 I now have a possible 13 that are at this stage I will candle them Wednesday again and hopefully see more progress. Good Luck I dont think its to early to candle eggs at even day 3.

Wish someone would have told me that hatching is addicting.... I want to buy more eggs lol

I am so dying to buy more too. Specially now that I have 2 incubators. But I have been a good girl (so far).

I am too fickle and can't decide on a second breed to go with my Brahmas.

If i wasnt planning to make a whole new coop, id go out and buy another incubator so i can hatch more lol ... Ooo geesh they need to put a warning label on them ( warning hatching may be addictive)
"Faverolle" are beautiful. don't know anything about them except what I have seen on line. I am in love with our Marans and Orps. Lavender and Lemon Cuckoo Orp eggs are what I had shipped.

Candled a few of my local eggs and all had veins. Didn't do them all but was very happy with what I saw. Shipped eggs are in the new bator but have very low hope for them. I have a total of 68 eggs cooking..... Maybe a little crazy......
"Faverolle" are beautiful. don't know anything about them except what I have seen on line. I am in love with our Marans and Orps. Lavender and Lemon Cuckoo Orp eggs are what I had shipped.

Candled a few of my local eggs and all had veins. Didn't do them all but was very happy with what I saw. Shipped eggs are in the new bator but have very low hope for them. I have a total of 68 eggs cooking..... Maybe a little crazy......
I like the Lavender Orps, just wish they had the feathered feet. I just love feathered feet...I'm weird so be it.

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