Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

2 hours in, temp is back up to 99.1 now, humidity is at 46%. I would say in another hour I will be back at 100.
Question, Does anyone else wear surgical gloves when handling your eggs? I was reading the oils from your skin can clog pours in the shell.
I wish I had a automatic egg turner. That way I wouldn't be in bator 3 times a day. I think I will make myself a turner for the next session. I was thinking of using some old aluminum arrows and putting shrink wrap on one, like a hot dog turner. plug it into a timer and set it to go off every 6 hours. Have it turn on for 1 to 2 seconds to turn half way.
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This is what I am going to put in my Incubator once my hatch is done. What i may do is have it turn off and on a small fan forced heater instead of a light bulb. The water heater thermostat fluctuates too much.

rowlow, you think the forced heater fan might dry up the eggs any....I am not to knowledgeable on the heat elements. I myself have two bulbs in mine controlled by the same thermostat with a fan blowing the air around. Not sure if it is any different ... but i am curious about what you are thinking about.
my water heater thermostat fluctuates one degree. It cuts on and off when out of the one degree range. I drilled holes in the ceramic and that allowed more air to cool the thermostat faster. I got the idea off Rebel's website.

folks, my eggs didn't come last week.. so I guess I am not going to be in this hatch group like I had hoped ... but I am going to still follow you guys and learn from yas.

I got Lavender AM eggs coming and I hear that those are hard to hatch as it is... so I fear and even LOWER hatch rate rate is upon me...
@Barko - I don't wear gloves when I handle my eggs, but I wash my hands thoroughly before and after. I may pull out a set of gloves, though, and leave them by the bator just for turning. Good idea, thanks!
rowlow, you think the forced heater fan might dry up the eggs any....I am not to knowledgeable on the heat elements. I myself have two bulbs in mine controlled by the same thermostat with a fan blowing the air around. Not sure if it is any different ... but i am curious about what you are thinking about.

I would think that as long as you have water in the incubator and its at the proper temp it would still be humid. In stead of a small heater I was thinking of getting a heat gun from Harbor Freight and wiring that in to my temp controller. Just leave the switch on low and let the controller turn it on and off. I will still have a small light bulb for viewing purposes.

So far out of 24 eggs I saw veins and a little blob in only 12 of them..Hoping to get those all to make it. My incubator ran hot after day two and now Its doing the "On" at 93 "Off at "102" cycle. Too much of a temp swing for me. I am an electrical technician by trade so I may get fancy and make one that doesn't waiver and can incubator 50+ eggs. But who knows maybe I will just get lazy....
my water heater thermostat fluctuates one degree. It cuts on and off when out of the one degree range. I drilled holes in the ceramic and that allowed more air to cool the thermostat faster. I got the idea off Rebel's website.

folks, my eggs didn't come last week.. so I guess I am not going to be in this hatch group like I had hoped ... but I am going to still follow you guys and learn from yas.

I got Lavender AM eggs coming and I hear that those are hard to hatch as it is... so I fear and even LOWER hatch rate rate is upon me...

Good Idea about the holes.. I may have to try that and test it out.
well, I couldn't stand it anymore... I broke down and candled 2 of my 8 eggs... Nothing!! It's only day five and they ALL had detached air cells... it is too early to candle?? I am freaking out... I really want these eggs to hatch a couple!!
Welcome new comers!!! This is so much fun when you have others to share and talk with!!!

I'm hoping to set 2 dozen Guinea eggs today, my first time working with Guinea eggs.

Also update for JD. I got 3 LBs to hatch of my shipped eggs, one didn't make it but here are the 2 that did, they are soooooo light compared to my chicks. Hopefully they will grow into beautiful birds and help improve my stock.

Hey Mainah,lol, they are cute! Peanut is hanging on too and I have 3 dozen eggs coming hopefully on Wednesday! I figured out what happened to cause the spike, I had been so stressed to go to work and leave the ones in the bator, one was looking dry, that I decided to run my shower and up the humidity and shut the bator in the bathroom for the day. I second guessed my decision, but not until I had unplugged the bator to move it and thought, no I better not :( So I think it caused like a system reset to get up to temp but just caused the heat spike
of course I feel worse, but I don't think it was just random...

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