Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

I'm Glad you all are having good hatches, Mine go into lock down Thursday evening. I candled for the last time tonight, eggs look full of chick, has a good air sack in big end of egg. I started with around 45% humidity for the first 7 days, then I dropped the humidity down to 21% for next 7 days, next 4 days I'm increasing back to 45% and on lock down I will increase up to 70%. Keeping My fingers crossed on my first ever hatch. I hope the last 4 eggs make it.
When did you set yours becky?

I set on 7/11. I have 2 pips this morning. Let the action begin!! I was just worried that the bator was at 102.7 for who knows how long. I worked and went to visit friends at the hospital that day, so I was gone for just over 15 hrs. But it looks like at least some of them are going to hatch, yippee!!!!!!!! Come on chicks!!
I set on 7/11. I have 2 pips this morning. Let the action begin!! I was just worried that the bator was at 102.7 for who knows how long. I worked and went to visit friends at the hospital that day, so I was gone for just over 15 hrs. But it looks like at least some of them are going to hatch, yippee!!!!!!!! Come on chicks!!

Hope they hatch! Has your humidity been high, cause mine has been terrible :(
just found this tread! I set a dozen and 1/2 silkie eggs in 7/13....and here I am up at 4am PST (not because the Olympics are on) but because I had my 1st PIP at 9pm last night...NOW.....looks like I have 5 breaking through right excited

Me tooooooo!!!!!
When I pulled my turner the temp was too low as the eggs were lower in the bator, this happened to me last hatch too. I'm thinking the Guineas, due to hatch in Aug will be my last hatch of the year too. Maybe going to keep my eyes open for something different for next year. I will say tho, I have hached many chick in the LGs this year, but you have to be around to babysit them all the time.

Could you just unplug the turner for lockdown and leave it? I was wondering about that too...
Congrats on the peepers everyone (though I must admit I'm a *little* jealous!). I'm on day 19, lockdown FINALLY! No pips, rocking or chirping yet- and now I'm suffering through a day of work, when all I want to do is be at home stalking my bator. Maybe I'll see some action later. I do have a question though. Last night as I was turning for the last time, I noticed one of my eggs (the only Porcelain Silkie egg to make it to lockdown
) has a crack on the small end. I've been very careful not to drop or jar the eggs, so I have no idea where the crack came from. It looks similar to a pip, like the shell was pushed on from the inside. I was about to pitch the egg, but decided to candle it first. The air cell looks great, and with my crappy torch I thought I could see tiny movements inside. So, I left the egg in the bator. It isn't oozing or anything, just has a crack. Is there anything special I should do for it- or should I just do what I'm doing (which is leaving it alone). Good luck guys, hopefully I'll have some cute chickie pics to post up soon!
lock down day 2, nothing that I can see yet. (these are my eggs that were pretty damaged during shipping. out of 33 eggs I've got 8 in there) I've been keeping the temp between 98.9-100. That's as close as I can get it 99.5. I hope I have some little fuzz balls popping out soon!

Congrats to every pip & zip & peep!!

Becky, I hope your 2 little pips turn in to chickies later!
I checked eggs before I headed out to start barn chores around 10am

and had 3 pips. When I came in about 11ish.........

I looked in the bator and what did I see? A tiny little chick, looking back at me. I had to LOL. There are 39 eggs in there and he was stuck like a turtle on his back. So I cracked the lid and quickly flipped over. But it was too funny not to get a quick picture. So far that's it. It stirred the bator a bit and now I can't find one of the earlier pips, but the one I can find is working on zipping.

Yea for chicks!!!!!
Sweety13, my humidity had been about 40-50% running dry. But I have it in a spare bedroom that stays somewhat cool and I ran it dry. I added a small amount of water twice during the first 18 days.

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