Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

Day 20. Not a pip, not a peep, no movement of the eggs. Nada. They were alive and fully developed when we locked down, so I am sure hoping something happens soon!
Day 20 starts in about 3 hours for me. I can candle through the side of my incubator without opening it and I can see that the air cells are starting to draw down, but no internal pips yet. I know I'll have action tomorrow! Good luck!! Update when you have some pips! :)
And the second I finished typing, I just heard chirping!!!!!! *Dancing*!!!! My DD will be so excited tomorrow! She is at a NY Giants evening with my DH. Tomorrow she is also getting the school Prize for Science at graduation ceremony, but does not know it. It's going to be a red letter day!
Awesome that you heard the peeps :)
Had one of my embryos die yesterday all were kicking two days ago, but candle about an hour ago and it just didn't look right. Was formed enough I could see it's head and body just stretched out, everything look redder as well. Gave it several tries to move but nothing, also nothing from the goose egg, believe it too is a goner, but didn't expect it to hatch really. So that leave 8 possible duck eggs. The one that died was one of the older two that remained from the original 4 put in. So, now, if it survives, only one will hatch out earlier than the others. It will be a lonely duckling. (gives me a good excuse to go buy a few more though :p)
The remaining 8 all still were moving well.
Hoping my goose is done with her molt and starts laying again soon! I want goslings something fierce! lol
Congrats all who have peepers!
Went into lockdown today (day 18), but some basics had changed. I read another treatise on weight, where it says 15-16% was ideal, not 13%. Hard to say who is right. If 16% is ideal, then today 13.7% would be ideal, and my average is 11.1%. So, again based on readings, I choose to start lockdown without changing the humidity, its still at 22%, the lowest I can get in my bator (if the house is higher, you can't get lower in the bator). I did take some other advice I read, I filled channel 1 and 2 of my bator with rolled paper towels, then put a layer of paper towels under the mesh, and another layer on top of the mesh...then laid the eggs on their side on top of that paper towel layer. The theory is, when I add moisture (which I will do when I see the first pip), I will get a lot of moist surface. Ideally, I'd have 2 bators, one for the ones that have achieved their weight loss, the other for those that haven't. You keep the ones that haven't had sufficient weight loss at low humidity, the others get lots.

Anyway, I currently have 34/41 in the bator, all that have failed failed because of being not fertile. I think this incubation is going to be 4 or 5 days long, as today's candling showed a huge range of maturity.

Only 4 more sets of 41 to do...lolz...;-]
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So about 9 am this morning the first one pipped. I went out to school awards and came back 2 hours later. A totally different one had completely hatched while I was out. It's now 9 hours since the first one pipped and nothing seems to be happening there. a piece of the shell is off and there is a little slit in the membrane, so I am not totally in a panic yet. The one which had the little damage that i put nailpolish over is pipping now, so maybe we saved her. There are 4 more in there fully developed which arent doing anything yet. But we have one tiny lavander show girl chickie drying out! SO exciting! I feel like I've been pregnant 2 years while these eggs were incubating!
So here is my finished hatch. I wound up with 8 good healthy chicks with straight feet and all hatched unassisted. I didn't get anything out of the turkeys but I still have them in the bator since they started at a low temp. When you pick the eggs up they feel like they have a poult in them so I'm not giving up. 6 of my chicken eggs didn't do anything, and I think it's because we had a really bad round of thunderstorms here at the house during their hatch, I've heard thunder kills hatching chicks, now I think I have proof. I'm not an eggtopsy kind of guy, so I won't have a report whether they formed or not. When I candled day 18 they all looked good. They will be getting flung towards the woods here shortly, and the turkey eggs I'm giving till Friday.
Here's the pics.

And the parents of these babies

Hi everyone just to update I got 1 chick from my hatch I hunted high and low for someone who had chicks that was willing to sell me some. I managed to get 2 when I brought them home my little 1 had collapsed I gave her glucose and water but she died 15 mins later I,m gutted
So I need to concentrate on my newbies.
Hi everyone just to update I got 1 chick from my hatch I hunted high and low for someone who had chicks that was willing to sell me some. I managed to get 2 when I brought them home my little 1 had collapsed I gave her glucose and water but she died 15 mins later I,m gutted
So I need to concentrate on my newbies.

So sorry to hear that.
Went into lockdown today (day 18), but some basics had changed. I read another treatise on weight, where it says 15-16% was ideal, not 13%. Hard to say who is right. If 16% is ideal, then today 13.7% would be ideal, and my average is 11.1%. So, again based on readings, I choose to start lockdown without changing the humidity, its still at 22%, the lowest I can get in my bator (if the house is higher, you can't get lower in the bator). I did take some other advice I read, I filled channel 1 and 2 of my bator with rolled paper towels, then put a layer of paper towels under the mesh, and another layer on top of the mesh...then laid the eggs on their side on top of that paper towel layer. The theory is, when I add moisture (which I will do when I see the first pip), I will get a lot of moist surface. Ideally, I'd have 2 bators, one for the ones that have achieved their weight loss, the other for those that haven't. You keep the ones that haven't had sufficient weight loss at low humidity, the others get lots.

Anyway, I currently have 34/41 in the bator, all that have failed failed because of being not fertile. I think this incubation is going to be 4 or 5 days long, as today's candling showed a huge range of maturity.

Only 4 more sets of 41 to do...lolz...;-]

I believe 16% is for waterfowl eggs. Good luck at lockdown!

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