Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

I hope I didn't miss anyone. I have been busy on the farm.

I am on day 13 and all the eggs are great so far.

Here is an updated list:

User Name Date Set Incubator Eggs
1 DustinT 8/19/2012
set 8 on 8/19, 5 on 8/25, white leghorn roo with maran,white rock, tetra tint, and golden comet hens.
2 Texasmja 8/20/2012 Brinsea Eco 20 set 6 eggs on 8-20-12 at 11:30 pm, my first hatch! WOOT!
3 Luvinchickens 8/21/2012 1588 Hova Bator set 4 Serama eggs 8-21-12 set 1 more 8-22-12.
4 yokohamamama 8/21/2012 unknown
set 4 B/B/S ameraucana eggs the 21st and have a few more to set the end of this week :)
5 Aschenfire 8/22/2012 Hovabator 1602N still air setting 15 Serama on 8-22-12
6 shwung79 8/22/2012 Brinsea mini & Hova Bator setting 12 Serama & 30 Button quail 8-22-12 p.m. Brinsea mini - serama and hovabator - buttons and serama. *First time with serama. ;Any advice?
7 swirler 8/22/2012 Hexabator type
set 16 eggs on August 22: a mix of French wheaten Marans, Wyandottes (silver laced and blue laced buff), and Brahmas (buff and partridge). My incubator is a fan-forced hand-turn Hexabator type. Day 4 candling shows 15 of 16 are developing, despite them being shipped eggs! This is my second hatch.
8 Fiveladybugs 8/23/2012 Hova Bator 1588 12 Lavender Silkie eggs, set on 8-23-12
9 Chicksooner 8/23/2012 farm innovators circulated air 12+ Black Orpingtons, hopefully set 8-23-12
10 Noelg 8/23/2012 17 swedish flower hens,6 lav orpingtons, a dozen marans and some of my own backyard mixes, which will be BO/RIR crosses, set 8-23-12
11 chichichickapea 8/23/2012 Brinsea Mini Adv set 5 cream legbars and 2 isbars....this is my first time incubating, Brinsea Mini Adv, 8-23-12
12 barnyardmommy 8/23/2012 set 1 Ameraucana, 2 Cochins, & 5 Dominiques, 8-23-12
13 Wrightsx4 8/23/2012 Homemade 4 australorp, 3 speckled Sussex, 1 ameraucana, 3 salmon faverolle, a homemade incubator! Set 8-23-12
14 Sahwithchicks 8/23/2012 hovabator genesis 1588 2 ea black americuana hen and birchen Cochin bantam roo eggs, 2 ea silver laced Easter egger hen with birchen Cochin bantam roo, 2 ea black silkie hen with paint silkie roo eggs, 1 black bantam Cochin with birchen bantam Cochin too egg
15 silkiemelon 8/23/2012 Little Giant 2 silkie eggs
16 XxPandaxX 8/23/2012 Homemade bantams and a few standard eggs and even 2 ducks
17 Reedgirl20 8/24/2012 Brinsea Oct 20 using Brinsea octagon 20, 12 eggs from my barred rock and golden sex links
18 wildriverswolf90 8/24/2012 setting 8/24/2012, 12 easter eggers, bantam black orpingtons, 12 buff orpingtions, and 6 barnyard mutts.
19 JodiLynn 8/24/2012 havobater genesis 1500 series set 15 Salmon Faverolle's and 2 eggs from my orpington roo/columbian rock hen this morning (8/24/2012). This is my first time hatching and I am using a havobater genesis 1500 series with egg turner.
20 knightie 8/24/2012 Homemade 7 pekin/Cayuga cross eggs for my first hatch ever from my own ducks with a sorta homemade incubator (guts of an old still air hovabator in a homemade box) at 9:15 am. Wish me luck!
21 what did I do 8/24/2012 Hova-Bator 2362N with a turner 4 dz Ameraucana green eggs
22 ChicksinPR 8/24/2012 Hovabator Genesis 1588 8 24- (12 Lemon Cuckoo Orp eggs) and 8- 25 (4 Barred Rock, 17 EE/OE/Ameruacana)
23 MnMPoultry 8/24/2012 circulated air old Hovabator that has a wafer thermostat. set 19 Silkie eggs (BBS, Buff, and White)
24 sandmbaker 8/24/2012 Using a broody hen silkie and some cochins under a broody I put them under her on the 24th.
25 wahmommy 8/25/2012 2326N Hovabator with auto turner 13 ameraucana eggs and 12 black copper marans
26 outdoorsii 8/25/2012 Brinsea & 1588 Hova Bator setting 8-25-12 in my Brinsea Hoverbater 1588 w/egg turner!! 21 total, 10 australorps, 3 jersey giants, 8 JG/BR & JG/PR
27 mstricer 8/26/2012 Using a broody hen setting 12 Blue Barred Rocks under a white EE.
28 Chucklecluck 8/26/2012 1602n still air Hova-Bator, quaileggs on Sunday or Monday (8-26-12 or 8-27-12)
29 mstricer 8/26/2012 setting 8-26-12
30 swindledana 8/26/2012 set a 100 eggs last night. RIR, Blue and Black Copper Marans, Polish, Jersey Giants, and EEs
31 Roxannemc 8/31/2012 Genesis 1588 Lavender orps
32 Dandydoodle unknown Hova Bator Dandydoodle
33 Drover unknown Brinsea Mini Eco 12 Buff orp eggs, Brinsea mini ECO
34 plowboybunny unknown Gqf sportsman 1500 24 Gabbard "surprise" purebreds, 24 Americanas, 8 of my own frizzle Bantams, 10 Speckled Sussex,12 Naked Necks,12 Black Copper Marans
I am still hanging in there! ^..^ It looks like one of the 6 which started out ok has quit, leaving me with 5 bouncing babies still incubating. :D 5 Is ok with me, as I will take any at this point, from shipped eggs.

I just bought a super nice Crele Serama cockerel (8 months old) at a fair I went to. He won his Backyard class at the poultry show there, against some pretty birds (including his smaller full brother). I will be keeping my eyes peeled for a nice girl to pair him with...hopefully something old enough to think about getting babies from soon!
Update from me: my mixed shipped eggs are day 12. Of the 16 I've tossed one clear. Of the remaining 15, 14 have definite wiggling embryos, and the other looks to be at the right developmental stage, I just didn't see movement during that quick candling. Fingers crossed!
Oh I added three blue andalusian cross eggs everyone is due to hatch on the 20th. I candler the ducks tonight (taking them into our bathroom) out of 7 5 have movement and 2 I think are clear ill give them till day 14 turn remove em. On the chicks they are on day 4 and I think I saw veining in all of them.

Fingers cross.
Day 15, 8, 3

I meant to candle everyone last night but was to tired. I was having trouble seeing into my darker eggs so I threw together a light box using a 60watt incandecent bulb. I don't really like it but it did help. Just finished candling day 15 and day 8. Out of the 8 from day 15 I had 1 with no development all others are still alive, although one does have the air sac on the side. From the day 8 clutch I have 1 I'm not sure about and the rest are doing good. I looked at one of the day 3 eggs, the yoke has darkened up but couldn't make out any veining. I'm not sure if my temp is right, because the glass thermometer that came with the turner fell off the eggs and got broke by the turner. It said it was 99.5 before it got broke. Now I'm using a meat thermometer stuck through the top it reads about 98. I also have 2 digital thermo/hygrometer. One says 97F and 52% the other says 95F and 50%.

On a side note the "fridgeabator" (thanks What did I do) is working, but I'm not to sure I'm happy with the hot water heater thermostat. I think I need a good old glass thermometer to track the temp because the digital thermo/hygrometer shows the heater kicking on at 96.6 and tops out at about 102.3. I'm going to have to check it often to see how long it takes to drop, but I think if I turn it down a hair so that it tops at 101 the low should hit about 95 I think it would be a good incubator. What do ya'll think?

Here's some chicken math. Went to a local feed store on Sat. for Chick Day. I wanted to get 2-3 turkey poulets and 2-3 Ameriucanan sp? The guy only had 2 poulets left and one didn't look good so I got a black spanish for free. He didn't make it.
The red bourbon is doing good. I got my ameriucanan. Then my wife, who earlier had told me I needed to slow down on the birds for a bit, says "Wow! what kind are those" So we ended up with 2 black sex links, 2 jersey blacks, 1 RIR, my oldest son ended up getting 3 straight run welsummers. So much to not getting alot. Still wish I could get some turkeys. Hey, if any one in the Kansas City area has turkey eggs I would like to get some.
I candled a few tonight.they are growing. I think a bunch are growing. I'm waiting for some kids to come over to candle all of them. They almost seem farther along then they should be. They sat out on the counter for several days before I got them and put them in the bator. I guess I need to look at candling photos before I candle them. We did see some movement in one.
I'm at day 10 on one set of eggs. I noticed today I have some detached air pockets with developing chicks. Is there any hope for them to be able to hatch? Any advice on what to do?

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