Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!


7 Years
Feb 8, 2012
Ok, Dandydoodle and everyone else! Here we go again! I am going to be getting a new clutch of Serama eggs from Castle Delight Seramas and need hatching buddies! Join the party! Set those eggs...chickens, ducks, turkeys, quail, whatever! Lots of fun! Lots of egg-staring..lots of frazzled nerves! But mostly lots of fun!!

I am setting mine Thursday morning if they indeed arrive on Wednesday as scheduled. Anyone is welcome to join in!
These are my first
, they are by my SLW roo x RIR hen. This is a practice run for the SQ breeders eggs I want to hatch next. I figured I should get one hatch under my belt before I try the expensive eggs.
These are my first
, they are by my SLW roo x RIR hen. This is a practice run for the SQ breeders eggs I want to hatch next. I figured I should get one hatch under my belt before I try the expensive eggs.
Hehehe...I jumped in feet first on my first hatch, since I didn't have anything to collect eggs from. I hatched Modern Game Bantams, then have set Seramas 7 in the first bunch and a single baby this last time. I'm going one more time, to try to get some more little pullets this time around. :D Hatching is addictive, be warned!
I added one more, it is 12 hours after the others, fresh out of the hen. So now I have 6. That's all of them. I am keeping an Excel spreadsheet! I am a total geek
, that is me cheering the eggs on!
I shouldn't be joining, but I am

Just hatching a batch now & will hopefully be ready by Thursday or Friday for some Silkie eggs I have coming. And then I'm going to join a Hatchers Annonymous until spring
Hehehe hi everyone! Yes, Hatchers Anonymous sounds like a group I need to meet with once this last clutch is hatched, too. At least for now... >.>

I am gonna stock up on my salty snacks and caffeine too :D Hooray for more hatching!!

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