May 5, 2020
Kendallville Indiana, US
my ducks are a little over 4 weeks old and it’s nice enough to keep them outside. However I have no idea what to put for the bedding. The floor right now inside of it is dirt and I have to big wooden boards covering it. I want ideas on what to put as bedding and how to make it easy to clean up.

Here are some pictures so you know what it looks like!

First of all, it would be extremely helpful if people would start putting their locations under their avatar picture! We have no idea what continent you are on let alone climate.

Simple to do and really helps people help you. Just go to the top right where your "BYC name" is and click. A drop-down menu will take you to “Account Details”. If you put your location there it will always be under your picture.

Once you answer that it will be easier for us to help you find a solution.
First of all, it would be extremely helpful if people would start putting their locations under their avatar picture! We have no idea what continent you are on let alone climate.

Simple to do and really helps people help you. Just go to the top right where your "BYC name" is and click. A drop-down menu will take you to “Account Details”. If you put your location there it will always be under your picture.

Once you answer that it will be easier for us to help you find a solution.
Thank you for letting me know this. Just put my location.
Ok so if I were you, I'd get a pallet or 2 and cut them down to fit inside that pen. Then cut some plywood to screw into the pallet to make a nice floor. It will keep them off the dirt and warmer in the winter since you probably get pretty cold up there. Doing that will also help keep predators out of the pen.

If you can find a piece of heavy plastic or vinyl put that on top of the plywood to keep it dry and then put down pine shavings, straw or hay. Some people use horse pellets for bedding but I can't speak to that.

A lot of people don't like to use hay because it can get moldy but if you clean up the poop every morning it won't. I use it mostly because it's free for me. I clean the pen real good each morning after I let the ducks out for the day and it only takes me 10 minutes at the most. It's amazing how much poop 10 ducks can produce every night!
Ok so if I were you, I'd get a pallet or 2 and cut them down to fit inside that pen. Then cut some plywood to screw into the pallet to make a nice floor. It will keep them off the dirt and warmer in the winter since you probably get pretty cold up there. Doing that will also help keep predators out of the pen.

If you can find a piece of heavy plastic or vinyl put that on top of the plywood to keep it dry and then put down pine shavings, straw or hay. Some people use horse pellets for bedding but I can't speak to that.

A lot of people don't like to use hay because it can get moldy but if you clean up the poop every morning it won't. I use it mostly because it's free for me. I clean the pen real good each morning after I let the ducks out for the day and it only takes me 10 minutes at the most. It's amazing how much poop 10 ducks can produce every night!
Yes I know! they poop so much. I only have two and i can’t imagine how hard it would be with 10! And also thank you so so much. this was VERY helpful!

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