Sexing Barred Rocks

Can someone help me with this little one? Boy or girl?
Looks like a girl to me: black legs, mostly black coloring, and the dot on the head isn't a circle.
But I'm a newbie, so maybe others can give you a better analysis.
Sounds reasonable. That young I'm no help unless I can get my hands on them and have others to compare.
barred rock #1 .
barred rock #2. Both 10 days old. Did not want their picture taken. #1 is getting tail feathers. #2 still has a fuzzy butt.
barred rock #1 .
barred rock #2. Both 10 days old. Did not want their picture taken. #1 is getting tail feathers. #2 still has a fuzzy butt.

It's too late for sexing with the head dot and too early to feather sex them. If I considered their current head dots, I'd say both pullets because they aren't round. If I were to go on the feather color they have now, I'd say #1 is a boy and #2 a girl. Though I've heard roo's feather in slower so it could be just the opposite. Can't really see leg splash on #1 but #2 looks light (I've heard this is not a reliable indicator).

I'm a newbie. I've just read through enough of this thread to know the basics. I'm still wondering if any of my 3 barred rock pullets are actually cockerels. We just adopted an EE cockerel so hopefully they're all pullets, I only want one roo.

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