Sexing chicks

They all look like probable males except the last. But as Ridgerunner and Egghead said wait longer to be sure.
Hi There,
Anyone want to help me sex my chicks? They are 7 week old mutts, I think I have two roos and two pullets but not sure. This is the first time I have hatched eggs and never had to sex birds before. I think chicks 1 & 2 are pullets and 3 & 4 are roos. The chicks are numbered under the photos. Thanks for the help!

Chick 1

Chick 1

Chick 2 (Black & red)

Chick 2 (Back & red)

Chick 3 (Brownish red)

Chick 3 (Brownish red)

Chick 3 (brownish red)

Chick 4 (Black & white)

Chick 4 (black & white)
Hi There,
Anyone want to help me sex my chicks? They are 7 week old mutts, I think I have two roos and two pullets but not sure. This is the first time I have hatched eggs and never had to sex birds before. I think chicks 1 & 2 are pullets and 3 & 4 are roos. The chicks are numbered under the photos. Thanks for the help!
I think you're correct. First two are pullets, second two are cockerels.
Hiya, I also need a bit of help. I ordered 10 rhode islands from a local hatchery(I live in Myanmar). I ordered all females, but now in their third, nearly fourth, week, they all have small nubs where a roo's spurs would be. Does this mean I just got a whole batch of males?
Hiya, I also need a bit of help. I ordered 10 rhode islands from a local hatchery(I live in Myanmar). I ordered all females, but now in their third, nearly fourth, week, they all have small nubs where a roo's spurs would be. Does this mean I just got a whole batch of males?

Both cockerels and pullets have spur bumps. In fact, some hens even have full spurs when mature. You can't sex chicks by the presence of spur bumps.
Pyxis, thank you very much for that answer! I was worried for a bit, as all 10 of the rhode island reds that I ordered for my daughter had spur bumps and she was pretty bummed when I told her we can't keep that many roos......
Please help with these guys/gals. All are 5 week old lavender orpingtons






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