Sexing Silkies

Must Be Losing It

Lost It
11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
Uxbridge MA
What traits should I be looking for in my Silkies (varying ages from two months to 3 weeks) to determine sex. It does not seem easy.


I am having the same dilemma. Mine are 4-6 weeks. Some are very big and some are much smaller and I was told the big ones may be boys,,,,,also the boys hair on top of head goes up and back,,,(slick dude(,,,and the hair on the female is more poofy all over. Well this is what I have heard good luck on yours and wish me the same
post pics of them and we'll see if we can help u both. vent sexing works to tell if u know what u are doing to check for it at any age. u can sex a silkie as day olds if u know what u r looking for, it is not as hard of a breed to sex as most people think and u can tell by other things not just vent sexing.
Also the males comb will be wider and plumper. And his feet/legs are massive

Here's my roo


And here you can see the "do"

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Yes, she's a Mille. They were gotten about 2 days before Easter and were only a few days old. So.. a little over 2 months when that pic was taken. Here are some pics from when he was younger....


This one is from about 1 month or so.... you can see how wide the comb is.


I have a new Silkie... a little Partridge. Only a few days old. I am hoping for a pullet. Her head is VERY poofy (compared to Charli at the same age) and you cannot see her comb, which is very small anyhow, and her feet are very delicate... so, here's hoping!

Here's Gertrude.... hoping Gerdie is a SHE!!!! A long time until I will know for sure
My luck it's a roo...LMAO



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