Sexlink gone broody?


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
South Carolina
I know that any hen could go broody. But a sexlink usually won't right? I am not sure that's what's going on, but I hope its not anything serious.

For 3 days she's been staying in the nest box. Even at night. If I pick her up & move her, she goes right back. If she weren't a sexlink, I wouldn't even question this. But since she is...

Is she egg bound? Is she sick?
I've actually had a black sex-link go broody. She was good. Raised all of her chicks well. She goes broody about every other spring, sometimes in fall. It doesn't occur often with them being one of the breeds used more for production, but if she keeps going back to the nest, I'd say you've got a wanna be mama!
Wow...what timing.

I have a Black Star (sex link) going broody like you can't believe. AND.....this is the first time. She's four years old and all of a sudden, she's Queen Broody like crazy. I swear, something very strange is going on around my chicken yard. My Easter Egger is laying more eggs than ever. She was the stingiest bird ever, giving me six eggs a year. Now, she's laying every two days.

Then, Miss FrankieJonnie, my twin..Black Star, does broody. Her "sister" hasn't, so it's all very strange. Guess there are always surprises, so you are not alone. I have one too.

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