Shadow Paints foaling/kidding Thread.Twitch COLT pics pg 477!!

It's alive!!!
Oh my, I was on pins and needles watching that birth! That woman has the patience of a saint but you could tell things were getting hairy. And that poor mama goat, I wanted to be able to give her an epidural, bless her heart for going through that!! Whew! What a cute little kid it is!!!
I hope not, poor mama has been through enough pain already.

Looks like they're waiting on another one...

Guess not. What a happy ending!
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I just looked at the due date calendar and see that the Bailey horse foaled yesterday! They posted that they had a hard drive crash so their camera is down. Did anyone see the birth? I wonder if it was after the camera went down. Aww man, I've watched that horse for days and days and really wanted to see her birth, or at least get a glimpse of the baby. Bummer! Oh well, she had a filly.

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