Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I wasn't around when Skeksis was, and she seemed like such a fun little bird.
Here is Morinth, my broody. I get her off the nest three times a day, and she eats/drinks/scratches every time. She's such a sweet girl, never pecked me for checking her or taking the other girl's eggs. Maybe next year...
I wasn't around when Skeksis was, and she seemed like such a fun little bird.
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Here is Morinth, my broody. I get her off the nest three times a day, and she eats/drinks/scratches every time. She's such a sweet girl, never pecked me for checking her or taking the other girl's eggs. Maybe next year...

Skeksis was an incredibly unique bird, both in looks and personality. She was quite intelligent, too. She imprinted on me day one out of the egg.

Skeksis would have been 5 yrs old today. I miss her so damn much. I've never had such a close bond with an animal, and probably never will again. This clip is a few years old. She was telling me she did not like the squirrel she just saw running on the edge of the coop roof.

Thank you for sharing that lovely video.
I am late, but sad for your loss of Pinkie, whose crowing I think we all remember.

For a lighter note, even though I had no internet for the past two weeks, I have been thinking of you everytime I see Merle on the March page of the BYC calendar. I happened to hang it in the toilet, as I already had calendars in every other place, so I smile at Merle's macho pose often throughout the day.
Thank you for the kind words! That's funny you keep a chicken calendar in your restroom.

The BYC chicken calendar is on our fridge, but we do have chicken presence in the bathroom. This was a gift from DH a while back.


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