Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

indeed; thankfully there's a drive on now to restore them, or something that works ecologically like them. Apart from what lives in and on them, they have an important role as wildlife highways between woods etc. And the chickens use them for cover in that part of the garden (though prefer to snooze in the mixed shrub borders).
You might be interested to know that in some places in Australian built or farmed environments, there are 'roo corridors to enable the wildlife safe passage through the fields or houses.
We headed up the North Coast, up past Ribh.
Did you stop in for coffee or tea?

They say one is never more than a meter away from a rat.
I've heard that about spiders and can believe it. Rats? Not so much, I've never had a rat in the house. Mice, now those are a different thing.

Left to the egg industry and the regulators nothing would change.
Very true. But I doubt most towns/cities will allow roosters (even though barking dogs are more annoying). It is hard enough to get them to allow hens. Pretty funny since back turing WWII everyone was encouraged to plant a "victory garden" and keep chickens.

Ooops! I know bait when I see it.:p
Yeah, she's forcing a decision: like the chicken so "like" the post but a "like" on the post says you also like the cat. VERY shrewd!
I can imagine people saying that but it's nonsense of course :p
There's lots of good info about them here, esp. the good practice guide for management
Thanks for this. I will look later today. If I recall correctly it was a National Geographic article & they did explain their reasoning which had more to do with the diversity of wildlife & other plants than the hedge itself & made sense to me. I had begun an Australian native hedgerow on the island as it is our smaller birds & wildlife that have suffered most from urbanisation & the lawns so many Aussies love do not help.
Did you stop in for coffee or tea?

Yeah, she's forcing a decision: like the chicken so "like" the post but a "like" on the post says you also like the cat. VERY shrewd!
Just gently tugging the tiger's tail. ;) I never expected Shad to fall for something so obvious.

ACM is hopping to stop in :flbut the Highway is now cut in several places & it is looking unlikely to happen. I think we will both be disappointed if it doesn't.
Ooops! I know bait when I see it.:p
:plbb What about this one....?

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