Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

She's not doing well. She's probably dying. I gave her low dose pain killers today. I haven't seen her eat. She didn't eat with the rest and wasn't interested in the haddock and oats I brought.
She was marked to die at the Battery. She's had a result in her life. Millions don't.
I've examined her again and there is nothing to be seen that I can act on. Even if she went to a vet I know what any honest knowledgable vet would say.
Yes vets make mistakes but with Ex Battery hens the inevitable is backed up with a vast amount of experience. This is the age most die at.View attachment 3042636
That’s sad and I don’t like the color of her comb (I see some blue tinge). I’m glad she’s had some time experiencing freedom, sunshine, bugs, greens, adequate diet, etc. in your care.❤️
Treat time. That's the sick hen on the far left.

I think this may be one of hers.

It's been dry but this morning there was just enough drizzle to make this a perfect rooster dust bath. Henry loved it and made appreciate sounds while he bathed.

The Ex Battery hens slowly came over to see what eh was going on about thinking there was food there I imagine. Not one got in the bath with Henry. Matilda had been in as had one or two of the Legbars.
The Ex Battery hens just stood around pecking the ground and looking a bit dissapointed whith it all.

As they see it.
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That Henry is a patient chap!
Henry gone to roost. Got his spot and is looking relaxed.

Matilda getting a little more supper before retiring for the night.

Matilda, Cloud, Henry and one of the Ex battery hens settled and getting ready to doze off. But wait! Who is that standing on Henry's back? Yep, it's Fret. She couldn't see a gap to wedge herself in so she jumped onto Henry's back and proceded to try and push first Cloud and then the EB off the perch.
The picture quality isn't all that good. Low light and a lot of movement.

Yup, she's done it again. Even got her head under Henry's wing in case the EB pecks her.:D Can't fault her tenacity.
She's not doing well. She's probably dying. I gave her low dose pain killers today. I haven't seen her eat. She didn't eat with the rest and wasn't interested in the haddock and oats I brought.
She was marked to die at the Battery. She's had a result in her life. Millions don't.
I've examined her again and there is nothing to be seen that I can act on. Even if she went to a vet I know what any honest knowledgable vet would say.
Yes vets make mistakes but with Ex Battery hens the inevitable is backed up with a vast amount of experience. This is the age most die at.View attachment 3042636
Her pupils appear dilated in that photo. I'm glad you're planning to give her pain medication.
There is still and likely to be for a long time yet one basic problem, for the vast majority, no matter what they tell you, or write, when push comes to shove they are "just chickens".
For the lucky chickens by the time their "owners" have found out they are not quite as just chicken as they originally thought, the damage is done. The very act of buying chickens sees to that in the majority of cases.
One cannot imagine another creature that is so badly abused or one that has less protection in law. Everybody it seems thinks it's okay to play about with breeding them, hatching chicks, sawing bits off them; the list of abuses is long.
They're livestock, they're pets, they are egg production units. They're stupid and worthless. As I've read more often than I care to dwell on here on BYC, "I'm not going to all that bother and expense for something I can buy for a dollar down the road".
The fate of far too many roosters is no different from that of those hatched in hatcheries and by breeders; it's just a bit earlier at the hatcheries.
Forum contributors cheer along the what seem to me to be children essentially when they attempt this or that breeding experiment. People are still buying chicks out of bins in supermarkets or having them sent through the post.
I just cannot believe the way chickens are perceived and treated can be right under any circumstances, or even necessary.
I found this an interesting read.

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