Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Apart from the cuteness factor at seeing that little one following you, wouldn't this become a security problem if they start going out when no one is there to watch them ? That kind of thing is contagious!

It's the first time you're seeing one of them go broody, right ? Is is also something that they will learn from one another ?
I didn't know that it was better to let a senior hen go broody. It's making me reconsider the general plan we had to make our little bantam Chipie go broody one day, she is still very much the last one arrived and picked on by the ex-batts.

Edited : I hope you are doing better today ?
Yup, chickens escaping from the run is a problem. Just one more on the list of many.:rant
Fret is the first to go properly broody in my time at the allotments.
C was at the allotments yesterday and I took the day off.
I will probably take today off as well.
Not quite sure which of the many bugs going around I've got but I'm a bit short on energy but still managing a half speed life.
Look after yourself and take yourself off to the vet if you aren’t bouncing back.
The worst part of having raccoons is that people feed them! Here I am with dug in hardware cloth aprons and electric wire and the obese raccoon lounges on the porch next door!
Wow - I don't think anyone here would feed them - there is a healthy concern about rabies when you see one during the day and they seem very able to feed themselves from our trash as it is!

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