Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Tax and a question:
Pic of Basil, my fave Barred Rock from above!

She spread her wing out so the whole thing was open and I was able to get this pic! What causes chickens to do this, is it stretching? Relaxing? Cooling off? I thought it was cute!
Tax and a question:
Pic of Basil, my fave Barred Rock from above!
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She spread her wing out so the whole thing was open and I was able to get this pic! What causes chickens to do this, is it stretching? Relaxing? Cooling off? I thought it was cute!
I think it's stretching in the picture above.
When they do this lying on their sides (people tend to call it sunbathing) I believe it has something to do with drying out the oil on their feathers so it can be groomed off.
I'm not sure, but this is what I've been told and it makes sense.
If not, there are others on BYC who have coped with Mareks in their chickens. It's not always a deathe sentence.
@microchick is one. I think she's gone with "those that don't die have some resistance and a foundation of future birds hopefully resistant".

They are more tasty than owl 🤣
How many owls have you eaten to compare?

The above seems to me to be intended to deceive.

This is your introductory post to BYC.

It would seem to me on what evidence I have seen is you can’t post any pictures of your chickens because you don’t have any. Nor can I find any references to any chicken you may have had, or cared for in the past.
I have had chickens at various points over a period of 30+ years, in several different locations, in several different styles of coops. My introductory post on BYC was at a time when I did not have chickens.

Some people like to take photos frequently, and some people do not. I am one of the ones who do not.

Also, even though this forum may have many people who are comfortable posting lots of pictures of their chickens, homes, family, etc, I am not comfortable posting that kind of stuff. I have posted some anecdotes of personal experiences at various points, usually years after it happened.

Saying "personal preference and lack of photos" was the most concise way I could think of to express all that.

I’ve read a number of your posts on various threads and nowhere can I find any reference to a personal incident relating to the advice you gave. I may have missed any posts that have.
You missed quite a few, although they are probably a small percent of my total posts.

There is a great deal of copy and paste advice given on BYC, much of it incorrect. I would rather try and avoid that on this thread.
That does make sense, and I agree about the problems of re-posting wrong information. I generally try to be clear about whether I am making a guess, or repeating what other people have said, or I explain why I say something so people can check my logic, or I give sources for what I say. I recognize the value of personal experience, and some of what I say is based on that, but that is the easiest thing to fake online so I try to only give that when it seems especially relevant. There have been a few times in the past when I got very irritated by someone who basically said "I'm an expert, so you should take my word for it." I try not to do that to people.

It can also be quite instructive when it comes to health problems to see a picture that might help explain a particular problem.
I agree, and if I ever have a question where a picture will provide useful information, I will then go take a picture and post it. So far I have not had such a question. (I use the search function instead of posting a new thread about something that has been answered many times before, and I have never yet had a chicken problem that needed more specific help than I could find that way.)

One of the reasons I like people to post pictures of their chickens on this thread, apart from the tax benefits mentioned earlier in the thread and the goodwill a chicken picture can generate even when the post itself may be contentious, is it gives us all some insight into how people keep their chickens and we can have a better understanding of their views on chicken keeping should they be different from ours. It can also be quite instructive when it comes to health problems to see a picture that might help explain a particular problem. We also get to know a little about the personalities of their chickens over time and an understanding of the level of experience they have in particular areas. We can also make assessments regarding peoples experience when giving, or receiving advice which given the wide range of opinions one finds on BYC, often based on little more than what someone has read, becomes important.
Those are all good reasons, but I am still not willing to post photos.
If you prefer that I refrain from posting anything else in this thread, I can do that. (Your thread, your rules. Just tell me if that's what you want.)
Just wish the test wasn't $298
It is a lot of money, but money is only worth for paying things important to you and I think this is. I hope you didn't have to give away something as important to pay for it.
Hope I am not on borrowed time with these birds. I love them so much, especially Skeksis.
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Keeping chickens does come with heartaches when one gets attached to them! I hope the test is negative. If not, they are doing good for now, they are adult birds so I guess all you can do is take it a day at a time. Living on borrowed time is certainly the way I feel about three of my six ex-batts.
What's taking so long with the coop you may ask.
No power mainly not to mention all the help I'm getting right down to having my saw hand stood on while trying to make a cut!:lol:
These are the tools I've been using, plus a hand saw.
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That's dedication🤣.
I don't get the use of the last tool, this is what we use to make wood poles by cutting away all the small branches from a bigger straight branch. Wouldn't something like a Japanese saw be more efficient ? ( I hope it's the right translation 🤔).

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