Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Wet, muddy and chilly. They came out for a few minutes and decided better of it. I got the coops cleaned out, them fed and watered and went home. Looks like much the same tomorrow.
Wet, muddy and chilly. They came out for a few minutes and decided better of it. I got the coops cleaned out, them fed and watered and went home. Looks like much the same tomorrow.

Good Afternoon X Batts up at 7:30 pacific time had 0 am appointment to keep.
Home to make a cheesecake get foods at least in pots for tonight ..
Rain was coming down pretty good .. Birds hide from rain or snow like it means death.
Will take new photos okay.
Saturday and yesterday were nice with 20 C temp, but now the weather changed here too. Not wet but misty this morning and sad. Glad there’s no snow in the air.

It’s the first working day the clocks are set to winter time ⏰ . Going home after work in the dark feels like the end of an ‘era’.

So no photo’s today. 2 fluffy buts from Saturday :
That is about twice as high as where I live. No swamps around here. There was a large swamp in the past nearby. Probably several smaller ones too. Dutch were already good in making canals in the middle ages. So it has been drained way back in time.
We have a long history with waterworks here. Like shortening the Rhine river in 1530 in Arnhem (our provincial capital), stopping the inconvenient meandering of the river to make sure that the city gets toll from passing boats. From about 1000-1650 the Dutch made dikes around the river and ribs in the river to stop the floods and ever changing delta finding it’s own way. From about 1500 onwards, the Dutch also started to make polders, dewatered with windmills to start with, but nowadays they use electric pumps of course.

The tool to dig holes for poles is stil available in the shops for gardeners. The design is probably ancient too.
We should hire some Dutch to come work on our swamps and streams. My entire county is a flood just waiting to happen! :lau
Saturday and yesterday were nice with 20 C temp, but now the weather changed here too. Not wet but misty this morning and sad. Glad there’s no snow in the air.

It’s the first working day the clocks are set to winter time ⏰ . Going home after work in the dark feels like the end of an ‘era’.

So no photo’s today. 2 fluffy buts from Saturday :
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I've done better than usual this year with the clocks going back. In Spain I didn't bother with it; sun up get up. sundown close chickens in. Easy:p
Now I have appointments.:hmm :lol:
Is Carolina close to sea level in general?
Well, we have a North Carolina and a South Carolina. The coastal areas are near sea level, but we also have mountains in both states. There is an area referred to as the "Sand Hills", then further west we have the Piedmont and then actual mountains. North Carolina extends further west than South Carolina, so has more mountainous area. I am from North Carolina but have lived in north coastal South Carolina for the last 37 years. For 15 years I lived near the ocean, but now I am about 30 miles inland as the crow flies. We moved to the country over 20 years ago to get away from all the tourists and touristy happenings. I love being able to see the sky and watch the weather come in. Don't miss living 6 blocks from a lot of bars and a giant rollercoaster. The noise was all night long and the city so lit up at night that the birds didn't sleep. A very unnatural place to live. But loved by people trying to escape cold weather.
Saturday and yesterday were nice with 20 C temp, but now the weather changed here too. Not wet but misty this morning and sad. Glad there’s no snow in the air.

It’s the first working day the clocks are set to winter time ⏰ . Going home after work in the dark feels like the end of an ‘era’.

So no photo’s today. 2 fluffy buts from Saturday :
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I didn’t realize other countries change their clocks, I guess I just thought it was a stupid American invention that serves little purpose but to cause more traffic accidents and disrupt people’s body clocks. We call it Daylight Savings. Which is a silly name because you’re not saving daylight, you’re just changing when people perceive it. What is the rationale in Europe to have it?

Desdemona has really loved the new coop. The front section is her new favorite place to sunbathe.


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I've done better than usual this year with the clocks going back. In Spain I didn't bother with it; sun up get up. sundown close chickens in. Easy:p
Now I have appointments.:hmm :lol:
I've taken it to yet another level with two daily reminders attached to the sunset while all my other appointments and reminders are attached to the clock.

One is two hours before sunset (make the chicken dinners) and the other is one hour before sunset (feed the chickens). I use an app called Sun Alarm for this purpose.
I didn’t realize other countries change their clocks, I guess I just thought it was a stupid American invention that serves little purpose but to cause more traffic accidents and disrupt people’s body clocks. We call it Daylight Savings. Which is a silly name because you’re not saving daylight, you’re just changing when people perceive it. What is the rationale in Europe to have it?

Desdemona has really loved the new coop. The front section is her new favorite place to sunbathe.
this is the history of the practice, from a reliable source

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