Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I do not understand why some of you yanks think (or at least say) that sort of thing, especially given the (impression I get of your) widespread appreciation of your armed forces and capability, as well as all the other public goods and infrastructure, all of which costs money. Can someone please explain?
Because all our government does with our money is launder it through wars or 'aid' to other countries and right back into their pockets. Why would ANYONE be pro tax. I don't need government. I govern myself just fine. I receive very little return for any of my taxes.
This picture popped up in my FB memories from 2015.
Top one Mr Man, I kept For breeding after too many issues with 2 roos and 6 hens

2 boys I got off FB to see if I really wanted chickens again LOL
And to see if I could train the dog to leave them alone..... since he chased the wild turkey, killed skunks and ripped the end of the tail off a raccoon. I was successful even with heritage turkeys and he still chased the hawks. He was a good dog
Because all our government does with our money is launder it through wars or 'aid' to other countries and right back into their pockets. Why would ANYONE be pro tax. I don't need government. I govern myself just fine. I receive very little return for any of my taxes.
When the population was illiterate, no schools, library, paved roads, water and sewers in towns (I have my own well and septic) , sheriff, judge, jury and Executioner, it was a bit chaotic
When the population was illiterate, no schools, library, paved roads, water and sewers in towns (I have my own well and septic) , sheriff, judge, jury and Executioner, it was a bit chaotic
And yet we have repeatedly seen in the last 4 years judges and DAs letting hardened criminals loose to repeat their crimes again. A sheriff may be a necessary exception but as far as executioner, stupid often has its own consequences. Our paved roads rarely get repaved and if I had children I would darn sure home school them. Taxes are out of control. And so is the created inflation. It is all theft and I am sick of contributing to it. Our elections are a sham at all levels. Otherwise Lindsey Graham would have been gone long ago. Sorry to spew. This is just a very hot button to me. I am never going to eat bugs (unless processed through chickens), own nothing, and be happy.

My roo and his ladies for taxes I will pay willingly.


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anyone needing a little virtual vacation might enjoy this

We are facing Oxwich castle, across the valley that leads to the bay. Also, just visible on the far side of the bay in the aerial photo of that castle, is the stunningly beautiful Three Cliffs Bay, which is overlooked by another castle, Pennard. And there's another one, Penrice, between us and Oxwich. Those who lived round here were evidently a very unruly bunch in the past :p
Thank you for this link. My ancestors came from Scotland, England and Wales and my maiden name is Welsh. I hope to visit there one day.
Because all our government does with our money is launder it through wars or 'aid' to other countries and right back into their pockets. Why would ANYONE be pro tax. I don't need government. I govern myself just fine. I receive very little return for any of my taxes.
you don't drive anywhere? use a bridge? fly? enjoy the peace and security that allows you to govern yourself? use shops? the internet? hang on...
In my state there is generally no tax on clothing and no tax on food at the grocery store .... unless it is prepared food, then there is a 9% "rooms and meals" tax. Frankly I would rather they tax junk food and not tax things like the precooked chicken.

@Shadrach has many skills!!

tax (old, but still full value) Nuit (June 2015) and the June 2021 chicks she raised.
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They’re so cute when they start growing their little tail feathers! :ya:love
that's a shame; puffins are just adorable :love and puffin island is just off Anglesey, so there are lots around there. I trust it was just a passing injury and you're all better now...?
They're adorable! I really wanted to see the puffins but I just couldn't make it happen on the one day I was there. I was hoping to see them at South Stack, which was a steep and long walk from where I was staying. Next time. Sadly, there are no longer many puffins on Puffin Island because of a rat problem.

Knees...well what can one say. At my age, I'm glad they still bend and straighten, and sometimes they manage it without twinges!

Two tax payments!


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