Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Ex Batts good morning one and all!

@Shadrach -- You have an allotment and are you saying C the ability to get rid of things on your allotment.

Temperature is in the 80s.

Have a great day!
Not legally no.
It's hard to understand I know but in order to stop C without resorting to non legal methods one would have to use the law and by the time that all gets going the damage is done.
Taxes for my hit n run comments throughout the week
I've still got 1.412 pages to read, but I'm at a point where a topic that I'm very interested in/very passionate about has been brought up enough, so I'm very very sorry for bringing to light something so randomly everyone. If any of you have interacted with me on other threads you'd know that I have a slight obsession with broodies. I cannot complain about the lack of broodies over the first 8-9 years of chicken keeping, since the vast majority of birds kept in my flock were leghorns and ISA brown. In addition, I was much more skeptical of letting them free range all day. With the addition of the landraces however, they were pretty much left to roam all day, and the landrace itself is supposedly very broody. Despite said claims, none of my hens have ever showed interest in sitting. Furthermore, they do not have much of an interest in finding laying spots out on the property, and much prefer the ones that I have made available to them, inside the coop. There was a period (3 months or so) where some would presumably lay outside (I never found the nest) but that has since stopped. I am way less interested in getting to the bottom of this now, as I have a wonderful bantam who seems to be a regular broody and will be assisting me in keeping this landrace alive, but I would like for at least a small portion of the actual landraces to be raising some chicks, showing them the ropes of free ranging from the beginning. Again, sorry for being so off topic, so here is some tax that'll hopefully repay it. A rooster crowing free
You don't have to do this to join in.:D
If you've understood the tax system and know mainly we talk about chickens you've got the important stuff covered.

I know, I've just found all the discussions extremely interesting. I've read things that I've been observing with my chickens for years, but just couldn't quite put into words. I am absolutely loving all the information. I will try not to mention any old subjects though. That particular thing just hit too close to home, especially since I've seen that this system (granted mine is in a pretty small scale) has been very fruitful broody-wise for a lot of people, and chickens

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