Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Look what happened today:
(The 2 on the left are the same as in yesterdays pic)

My three youngest hens decided to start laying within 24 hours of each other.

Two and a half hours today. Mostly grey with a threatening of rain that is apparently on it's way.
Most recent egg from Carbon is rounder than her first of this year. She's got a little way to go until her eggs are the same shape as last years

Everybody got out.
I think I nudged the settings dial on the camera again. Pictures aren't very sharp.
Dig hasn't got any new comb wounds. He did jump on Henry's back when Henry mated Mow who crouches for him on a regular basis. Henry just stood up, gave a shake and Dig was off. Henry didn't even bother to tell Dig off. He just walked away.

Food has become more of an issue than the mating attempts as I expected. Dig now knows that if he is going to raise his status in the hens eyes he'll need to find treats. He's been doing the nod and call for a while now but what he was hoping was to attract a hen with some weed or other or a bug that the hens had passed over. Needless to say the hens didn't budge. Can't fault chicken logic and Henry's answer to this is, don't let Dig have any food while he's around the hens.:D Don't panic! Dig gets his share but often he's eating alone. If Henry makes Dig hesitant about diving into the feed I put down, Dig just snatches a few beakfulls before Henry drives him off. This works out as a clever strategy because Henry and the hens tend to leave to go out on to the allotments together leaving Dig to eat. Before Dig was charging out as soon as I opened the gate and Henry was left behind eating. He's big. He needs a lot of grub.:p

Can't fault chicken logic and Henry's answer to this is, don't let Dig have any food while he's around the hens.:D
All 5 of the boys seem to take positions on the perimeter of the feeders supervising the girls meals, even the youngest, Pip and Squeak have been taught to let the girls eat the fill, first, then they take turns eating and guarding.

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