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What a good drake. I know that’s one of their purposes but it sure doesn’t make the loss any easier I’m sure. :(:hugs
I agree. His name was Archie. One out of our big group of ducks, but he still will be missed.
Does anyone here have khakis?

These are mine. This picture was taken in April. I'm loving the personalities (and eggs)!!:ya:love
I used to, Connie and Cayden, I had to let them go. One became aggressive and nearly killed Hercules. We decided to let both go, as they were inseparable. I miss them dearly, and the next pair of ducks we get will be named in their honor. (Although the one was aggressive, the other was so friendly and loved resting under me.) We put them at our pond with a group of friendly Cayuga and Pekin’s. We see them occasionally.

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