Shaws call duck incubation thread (hatch a wonderful(worthless to Ralphie) dux thread)

:frowgood evening everyone.
Popping in to tell you about my day.
With a little help from my friends. . I practiced some duck math. -1= +2 right?
@SueT told me about a swap I can take birds to locally and I sold my Cayuga drake ninja.

He went with a really nice lady who has a pond and nice enclosure and 3 girl ducks for him to love :love
Then I met up with @CayugaJana
Who brought me 2 new females so my drake/duck ratio will be better :yesss:
Here are some pics of them checking out their new stomping grounds.
I've never seen so many birds in one place in all my life. Probably because I've never went to a poultry or bird swap before lol.
@Alaskan there were enough Muscovy
Ducks there you could've fed your family for 10 years I swear. Had to be hundreds of them. All colors. I had to rip myself away from the chocolate ones.

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