She’s at it again!-Runaway hen hatches 15 chicks!


Feb 15, 2019
New Jersey
Here she goes again.... our chicken Raven. Our beautiful black sex link, has decided to have more kids.:rolleyes: Her first batch in November 2018 consisted of 17 eggs. 17 hatched. We lost 4 to the cold :hit. Out of those 13 survivors, we got 7 cockerels (who sold for a total of $77! :celebrate) and 6 hens. (who are laying eggs every day for us!) Her kids are 1/2 RIR and 1/2 Black Sex Link.
Fast forward in time to Spring 2019, she decides to run away again. We searched everywhere and didn’t find her until a week before the hatch date. Her nest was in the same spot she used before. We candled an egg and there was a chick inside! :celebrate
We counted them and were shocked when there were 15 eggs! They hatched on 6/29 and had a success rate of 14/15 survivors! It was a great day to hatch with lots of humidity and some hot weather. Unfortunately for chick #14 and #15 the humidity dropped quickly and the membrane shrink wrapped around them. #14 was almost hatched however, the membrane dried and it didn’t make it. :hit
But.....#15 did! #15 had just pipped and we were able to carefully help him/her hatch. Now, it is 6/30 and all the chicks made it! We moved Mama and her babies to a safer spot where she would be protected from our cat, and other annoying predators that live in the woods. Now she is safe with food and water for her and the babies and YES, of COURSE I have PICTURES! :wee


Our Rooster Gomez, Father of 28, and his 6 daughters. +our two Barred rocks who couldn't miss out on food.:idunno


Mama Raven and her babies.

Our Millie Fleurs who aren’t too thrilled about their new neighbors.

Hope you enjoy this story! Feel free to share your hatching stories too! I’d love to hear them!
You didn't have to start a hatch a long thread and fiddle about with incubators then.:p:lau
Great story. I've got one missing at the moment. I'm usually pretty good at working out where they are likely to be but this one (called Fray) I have taken eggs away from so many times she's obviously had enough.
Awwww, warm fuzzies!:loveThat's a good and a determined mama.
You were able to sell your cockerels? That is one reason I haven't wanted to hatch. I'm not into culling and I don't know who would want a rooster. Well, I do know that some want them for dinner. But they surely won't be paying $11 for one chicken dinner that they have to dispatch themselves. There are those that want them for fighting. :hit they don't tell you that. So how could I find a buyer for males?

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