She roasted the chicks! IM SO ANGRY

Firstly CONGRATS on your eggs!! hope they hatch!!

I totally understand how your are feeling!!!! GRRRR!!!

It happened to me yesturday!!!! Although thank god my chicks didnt die....

so I am in year 11 this year... and just hatched my first chicks at home as a hobby....

they have been in an empty tank since day one, next to my bed also, with a heatlamp...
then yesturday i came home from school (they were nearly 3 weeks old) and my mum decided they smelt so she put them in the shed (which has alot of mice that atack little birds)..... so when i got home she refused to let me bring them back inside and alho they had the lamp it is getting to winter here so its very cold and they were cold.....

I screamed at here but she wouldnt let me put them inside... so i got so frustrated a through a glass of pepsi at her.... *i felt guiltily pleased with myself*...

then finally after we talked i am allowed to jeep them inside untill they are 4 weeks old (in like 3 days anyway!!)

Grrrr i was so frustrated ... she could have killed them just coz she didnt want them inside..... GAHHH i cant wait to move out!!

and im so sorry to hear about your chicks .. i hope you have better luck!!!
WOW if I ever even thought about throwing something at my mother I would had my face slapped so far around my head you wouldnt know if I was coming or going!
Sorry but

Okay... I would be flipping out already if my sister had purposefully (she KNEW they'd die!) killed my chicks and could have possibly burned down the house. If my parents decided it was my fault I'd probably go sleep in the coop or something... that is an outrage.
Good luck with your hatch!
I'm really sorry... maybe you could play a really mean joke on your sister like putting stuff in her shampoo or just hold it against her for the rest of her life and milk it forever. Whenever you want her to do something you could bring it up and make her feel bad about it. She's a bad sister. I feel sorry for you.
But it will be over soon, I'm sure eventually you'll laugh about it when your like 40. Good Luck!
I forgot to mention the AMeraucana eggs are harder to see into than some Marans eggs I normally dont even bother trying to candle and just leave them as usually most hatch.
the white sg egg should hatch she had strong chicks
but it may be a silkie as she makes both sg and silkies, but I hope you get a sg, you will get some for sure
Although I understand your fustration best NOT to throw anything at your mother, 4 weeks old is big and stinky to be in the house and frankly not very healthy with all the dust. its time for them to go out although I feel like you should have been aware of it and gotten to set them up yourself and not come home to them in the shed. But now that you know it is time you can set up a mouse free place for them.

Good Luck
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A nine year old is fully capable of knowing what they are doing. We are NOT talking about a three year old here.

But, say she didn't know, hence the FIRST cover up. Okay, accidents happen. BUT FROM THEN ON SHE DID KNOW.

And knowing she purposely covered those birds and killed them.

And your folks are totally letting her off the hook. Just be glad you'll be out of the house before she's a teen is all I'm saying. My folks did the same with my sister and she STILL doesn't take responsibility for herself, OR her THREE children... sidenote that her eldest was conceived at the ripe old age of 16. She does NOT work, never has been able to hold a job more than a couple weeks... won't show up on time, hates being told what to do, etc. there's always some excuse as to why she quit and why it wasn't her fault. She lives off her child support, medicaid, and food stamps and leeching of any friends or family she can. And this week she applied for SS Disability... claiming that it's a mental thing, why she can't keep a job and support herself. Funny, she has the same issues that our mom does and mom's worked every day of her life. OY, that was a ramble... but point being that teaching kids not to bother taking responsibility for their choices (and yes she CHOSE to put that blanket on both times) can become a lifelong, dangerous habit.

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