She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!



Big bass, not so tiny ducklings. He has muscovies so the duckling are a bit bigger than most. The ducks started raising ducklings in his pool till they were too big for bass to eat
I was at a pond with ducks once and it had some big catfish in it. One day I was fishing and there were some ducks a little was off, well I heard a splash and look up and there was only one dick were there had been two. A big cat ate it is my best guess. Sorry if I'm scaring you with horror fish stories.
Adult ducks ought to be fine
My brother's nickname is Big Cat
They have navals? Lol. I don't see anything strange so I guess it's ok?

Yes! Lol. It's a little spot on the bottom of the belly. Sometimes people think it's their butt. That's where the stringy stuff was hanging off of. If the chick just finished absorbing the yolk and had the cord still hanging, sometimes I just put a dab of neosporin or bacitracin on it to prevent infection.

The other 2 eggs that haven't pipped, I'm worried about them, I'm thinking they're either malpositioned or maybe starting to shrinkwrap? I don't know what to do. Would it hurt them if I poked a little hole over top of the aircell to see what's going on or should I wait and see if they pip? They look really crammed in there.

Read Sidewings response. It was perfect!! Once you mess with the hatch process (and sometimes it's necessary) you usually can't stop, you're in it for the long haul.

Thanks! We have some Black Copper Marans coming up and I hope they lay much darker eggs.

:fl  for you Ruby! I have 16 due to hatch tomorrow. 2 of them I think are quitters, but 14 looked real good. 6 out of 7 look good under the broody.

Don't pull it off. If you need to get it off make sure you cut it. You can pull off the belly button in affect and it will have yolk seeping out. They need that yolk for a few days to live off of. I have seen it happen and it's super sad.

You can cause damage, yes. Inside the egg, before they internally pip the CO2 get's really high. This causes spasms and helps them break the membrane into the air cell. They get a rest while breathing in the air cell and when that CO2 gets too high they start to spasm and that leads to external pipping. If you break a hole in the egg on the fat end you can hinder that whole process. Good luck!

My one egg that is due tomorrow is drawing down. But it looks like he's in a weird position. Only time will tell! I wish you lots of pips tomorrow or the next day. And your advice about making a pip hole was perfect. I couldn't have said it better!! Great post!!

I've been trying to set an avatar since I started coming on here and it won't let me do it, lol. It'll say embedding image and then... nothing. I'm on mobile so it's hard to even post pics, I have to switch to desktop to get it to post a pic and alot of times it still won't do it, and its apparently impossible to set an avatar on mobile. I'll keep working on it though. Yeah this 1st little guy was wrecking shop in there, lol. Now he's trying to walk and he's playing pin ball with the other eggs, lol. The other little guy is still laying down with little bursts of energy and then he flops all over the place for a couple seconds and then lays still again, they are adorable!

I had this problem on my old phone! Did you try to upload the photo from the "desktop" setting?
Sorry I've been gone. Had to see my parole officer this morning. I did see one post yesterday that I just have to comment on. Hang on a minute....

Yes! Lol. It's a little spot on the bottom of the belly. Sometimes people think it's their butt. That's where the stringy stuff was hanging off of. If the chick just finished absorbing the yolk and had the cord still hanging, sometimes I just put a dab of neosporin or bacitracin on it to prevent infection.
Read Sidewings response. It was perfect!! Once you mess with the hatch process (and sometimes it's necessary) you usually can't stop, you're in it for the long haul.
My one egg that is due tomorrow is drawing down. But it looks like he's in a weird position. Only time will tell! I wish you lots of pips tomorrow or the next day. And your advice about making a pip hole was perfect. I couldn't have said it better!! Great post!!

I had this problem on my old phone! Did you try to upload the photo from the "desktop" setting?
Aw shucks.


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