Hi all,
I'm a new chickeneer and have started my flock with an Isa brown and a Rhode Island Black (fairly certain we're just talking Australorpe). The brown consistently lays an egg a day, but the black is holding out on me!
Not a single egg.
I checked a few things. She's not a rooster. If she is, it's a class A costume and he has complete commitment to the cause.
I wondered about the age thing, but we got her from a good breeder and she's also grown in size since we got her.
Also feeding her the same diet as the other with commercial layer pellets and other feed supplements (grains and fruit and vegies etc).
Would very much like any insights or things to try to get her started.
I'm a new chickeneer and have started my flock with an Isa brown and a Rhode Island Black (fairly certain we're just talking Australorpe). The brown consistently lays an egg a day, but the black is holding out on me!
Not a single egg.
I checked a few things. She's not a rooster. If she is, it's a class A costume and he has complete commitment to the cause.
I wondered about the age thing, but we got her from a good breeder and she's also grown in size since we got her.
Also feeding her the same diet as the other with commercial layer pellets and other feed supplements (grains and fruit and vegies etc).
Would very much like any insights or things to try to get her started.