Shed conversion... will this work?


In the Brooder
Jan 25, 2017
We have switched out playhouse shed into a coop. There was an existing door that led to a bridge. So we took that and cut the bridge in half. Then we built the nesting boxing and all that inside. We have 6 5wk old chick's and one hen that just laid her first egg. If this going to be a good size? Could we get a couple more?
Inside the shed they have 5.5ft x 2.5 ft of floor space and then the boxes are 5.5ft x 1.5 ft divided into 5. The outdoor space will be 8ft x 10 ft.I will mostly use one of the boxes for water so that is really 4 nests.
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I would make the run a little larger if possible and greatly increase ventilation near the roof line based on what I'm seeing. Ventilation near the ridge/gables would be ideal. Pictures/descriptions on vents would be great. Space wise it looks good.

The window that is on the shed opens up to the inside of the coop. Will that work for ventilation?
Am I reading this right?? They will have a portion of the shed not the entire shed?

2.5 x 5.5 is actually quite small. What is your climate like? Snow in winter?

From my experience you wont need that many nest boxes. You have 6 babies and 1 other chicken? For 7 chickens 2 boxes will be plenty.

Do you have a roost? How much landing space will they have when getting on and off the roost? They spread their wings and flap while getting settled at night and when getting up in the mornings. Can they do that without beating each other in the face (or read end depending on how they are facing)?

If I read it wrong and they get the whole shed my apologies.

Edited to add.....
The space listed is barely 13.75 sq feet. That means there is a 3 bird max with the recommended 4 sq ft per bird. If you will be keeping food or water in there that space is even less.
If you have breeds that tend to be twitchy you will find you need even more space.
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Way too small to be of value. You can only do roosts on the 2 1/2' side as the other direction doesn't give them room to fly down. Only need 2 nest boxes so that would free up some floor space. You could also put the nest boxes on the outside. Enclose the porch area removing the interior wall doubling the space.
I am really confused. The coop in the picture I bought from tractor supply and the packing said up to 6 chickens (which I thought was small) the interior of that is 2.5x2.5 which includes 3 boxes and a floor space with roasts.

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