Shed to coop conversion and other projects

There are so many good tips on this thread and I thank you, Rural Chic, for continuing to post with your updates! My son and his family are coming over to visit me today and I want to show him what you are doing. He doesn't know (yet) that he is going to be doing my shed conversion in the spring
We used 2x4 welded wire. I didn't realize you were planning to use chicken wire or I would have suggested it earlier, sorry..
Not a problem. The chicken wire I bought is has really small openings. I'll get the hardwire cloth or something simular next month or in January and add it to the outside and along the bottom buried somewhat.
There are so many good tips on this thread and I thank you, Rural Chic, for continuing to post with your updates! My son and his family are coming over to visit me today and I want to show him what you are doing. He doesn't know (yet) that he is going to be doing my shed conversion in the spring
I am really glad I could inspire someone with my ideas. Good luck with your conversion. I'll have more pics posted hopefully this evening after we get more done today.
New Update:
The weather yesterday was brutal. The temps were in the 20's and we had some snow in the morning (looked like hail balls) and we had to stop many times throughout the day to warm up before going out again.
Here is what we managed to get done:

View of front - No door yet - front with wind block - view of coop and run

plywood board for wind break at back of coop - frame from coop to fence, view from both sides.

view of frame at back of coop - View of tunnel under roof extension - View of wind block from outside run.

With the cold we couldn't get done all we wanted to so we will pick up again on Monday evening after work. A friend will come over and construct a door for us (he's a carpenter and can build one in no time and have it square rather then what I'm sure I could do right now).
At least watching him I'll know how to build one for the goose enclosure.
After getting the wind blocks up I stood under the roof extension and the wind was almost non-existent so I think the girls will like it too.
The weather has cleared a bit the middle of this week and we managed to complete the run. Unfortunately by the time I get home after work and remember to take pics the sun is down again so it has had to wait till today but I have finally managed it...

Photo of door into run, we added a spring so the door would close behind us. Great for when you have your hands full.

Front view, back view, and view inside back where the chickens are enjoying their outside time.

We had our goslings in a cage for the first 4 weeks but they have outgrown it and the baby chicks (14) needed more room too so we took the geese out and let them run around the coop with the older chicken. Now that they are larger then the 3 and almost 4 month old chickens, they leave the geese along. The cage we took apart and tied 3 -- 2 x 4 stacked under either end to raise the cage up off the floor. Since all the birds have been together in the same coop for the last 4 weeks just not running around together they did alright. The babies can move in and out from under the cage and the older ones stay pretty much out of the "Mock" cage.
The babies really love it when the older chickens leave the coop in the day because they have total run of the coop. I haven't seen any of them venturing outside yet but I'm sure they will soon. When one of the older girls comes bake into the coop the babies all run for the shelter of the "Mock" cage.
They segregate themselves at night too sleep too. The babies all sleep under the "Mock" cage, the older chicks have taken to sleeping under the second heat lamp and the geese like the open area at the front of the coop away from the heat.

I really hope this has been helpful to someone out there and can inspire some really cool ideas. Good luck and God Bless.

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