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Jadyn looked around, her blue eyes wide.

As the men coninued to work hard to try and survive, Seth, Dirk, Gabe, Al, and some of the others tried to figure out what they were going to do next. The recon patrols began to return from their scouting missions, and came over to report what they had found. Connie came flying down and, landing next to the group, morphed back to normal; she too started reporting what she had come across. Just then, the sound of the grinding and scraping of twisted metal on twisted metal, followed by a loud scream of pain, resonated from the other side of the Liberty's hull. Seth and a few other men ran around the hull to see what had happened, and dicovered that a large chunk of debris had fallen off of the port engine braces and landed on one of the crew members. He was alive, but he was pinned hard to the ground by the debris; this piece of hull was laying on top of his entire body from the waist down, and looked to weigh at least several tons. Seth called over a number of the other men, and they lined up around the edge of the hull piece where the man was pinned. Then they all lifted as hard as they could, as two of them stood poised to yank the wounded man out of harm's way. To everyone's surprise, the 10,000 pound piece of metal practically jumped up in the air when Seth lifted on it. Regardless, the two other men were more than ready and pulled the victim well out of the way before the large hulk came crashing back down. Everyone stood confused at what had just happened for a moment, then Seth, feeling that he had something to do with it, slowly stepped foreward towards the debris. He reached down and lifted slightly on the edge. Amazingly, it rose up in the air all the way to Seth's waist; even though he didn't feel like he was lifting more than a 30-pound weight at a gym. As if to make sure his whole brain wasn't tricking him, he picked the chunk of durasteel framework up and set it back down several times almost without breaking a sweat, dispite the fact that it weighed at least 5 tons. Then, shocked and amazed at what had just happened, he politely told the crew to get back to their work and headed over to where he had been before and told Dirk what had just happened. He then asked if Dirk knew anything about what might have just happened. Dirk sighed heavily and led his friend into a make-shift tent nearby where they could talk in private. Gabe and Al continued to de-brief the scouts.

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