Shipment of chicks ... problem!

\\o/ Me too! I'm on the edge of my seat here!
They're all dead. The post office people were really nice and so sympathetic. One looked, one refused because they just knew there was no way they could be alive.

I took a pic. I'll post it later.

I called Cackle before we left the post office parking lot. Carolyn was very nice and understanding. Said they've had really bad weather too. But we're expecting 50's and 60's today through next Thursday, then down to 40's (teens at night) for Fri/Sat. So, Cackle is re-shipping this coming Wednesday to arrive next Friday. Hope they add a few extras of each breed, and maybe they'll put in a heat-pack too.

Needless to say, I cried. I'm such a big baby.

Thanks for all the concern.
Sorry for your losses.

Simple, they are in the business of selling chicks, and if they did not offer chicks for sale, people who want to order chicks at this time of the year will spend their money at another hatchery who will hatch and ship. If they don't ship, they have nowhere to put the extras and they won't be able to make that 2-3 day trip anymore as their yolk sac would be out of energy by then. Most will make it to their destination and usually the ones which don't are the ones being shipped to areas where there are lots of snow and the drivers just threw the chicks in the back where it is unheated. Some drivers are nice and will put live animals up front with them, but not all.

Plus, nobody can predict the weather 3 weeks in advance, and can you imagine the stink people would give if a hatchery said they would not ship out to you because you live in certain areas in certain times of the year? People would go to another hatchery. They can't be making money on having to replace DOA orders, but they can make money by keeping customers "happy" and shipping upon the customers request.

It is often up to the buyer to know when is a safe time for birds to get to their area, but we can't all guess when snow storms are.
Well honestly I have put one out in the trash
and I have buried one. You have to do what feels right for you. No one has the right to judge what you feel is best. So sorry you are going through this.

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