Shipped Chicks


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
NW Georgia
My shipment of 6 chicks should have been sent June 1st from MPC. Should I have gotten an email saying that they were shipped? Should I call the post office and "warn" them that they are coming? We are new to this and have never even owned chickens before. We have had this order placed since the beginning of April and are very excited to finally have them on their way. Please let me know how we should proceed. Everything here is ready and our converted metal shed coop and run is just about finished for when they are older. The brooder in the laundry room is ready to go!

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I know, it's alwas very exciting to get the new little ones! I've never ordered from MPC... I ordered from McMurray and actually my chicks were at the post office 3 days before I was to expect them so at least you are prepared! It can never hurt to call about your order. They are live little chicks and they have to keep record of what is sent and not sent. In addition, I think my post office would have appreciated me calling early rather than not calling at all! Oops! They weren't mad, of course who could be mad about a bunch of peepers in a box, but it's nice to have the warning to confirm that you are indeed expecting and waiting for them! The post office calls at 5 am and of course you are in bed, don't answer, then they panic on what to do if you don't pick them up! Call everyone, get the facts! Rest easy!
I've never ordered from MPC, so I don't know how their policy goes, however, definitely call your post office and let them know that you're expecting a box of chicks to be coming. My post office calls at 6:30 in the morning and although she says they sound cute, that cuteness wears off rather quick and they need them picked up ASAP
Also If you paid by credit card or bank card, you can always monitor that. Most places won't charge your card until the item (chicks) ship. That would be an easy way to get a "heads up" on the situation.

Mine are due this week from Meyer Hatchery. I called them to confirm shipment and asked if I would get an email. They said no.
They also said they would not contact me UNLESS there was a problem.

I can't wait !
Good Morning!

I ordered our chicks a month or so ago & got a confirmation email from Meyer Hatchery but was told at the time of ordering the date they would ship (yesterday). The babies arrived this morning. I called our post office when I ordered them to give them the best phone number to contact me, so I got a call at 5:30 am telling me that I could pick them up. It is now 9:00 and the babies have all had their drinks, are eating, and some are resting. They are such an adorable group and seem to have tolerated the stress of being shipped across the state.

I do have a question that some of the seasoned owners could help with: as a new momma I want to be prepared for an emergency, so.... what would be a good "first aid" kit to have on hand in case of problems?

Thanks for all the info so far, and for all of you who are still waiting..... ENJOY those babies! It is AWESOME!

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Mine were shipped from MPC on June 1st too! All I got in this order and in previous orders were emails a few days to a week before they shipped saying the week that they would be shipped. I don't warn the post office but they call me as soon as the chicks come in and either deliver them to me or I go pick them up and for me it's been around 10 or 11am for the past few orders. I'm thinking that mine will be here today because they usually come the date after they've been shipped. Good luck!!!
I've ordered twice from MPC, and didn't receive any further e-mails from them after the confirmation of order, and ship date e-mails. I did notify my post office a couple of days in advance of both ship dates. I've found MPC to be very helpful and willing to communicate, so I would say, if in doubt give them a call. Good luck. Sooo much fun!
(and work!
Thanks for all the replies. It does make me feel better having the added information. grace6691, I also live in Ga. I hope they come today!
We have chicks!!! I was very unprepared for how cute they are. All 6 arrived healthy and are running around eating and drinking. We are very excited to finally have them. I am very pleased that they got here so quickly. We will definitely use MPC again.
MPC doesn't send out shipping notifications - they say it takes too much time and it's more important to get your chicks to you. Mine were shipped on May 17 and I got them the morning of May 19. I did speak to the people at my post office and they were glad to know AND they were willing to call me as soon as the chicks arrived - 6:00 a.m.
It's worth making a face to face connection with the person who will be handling your chicks.
Good luck - I know how you feel - mine are 15 days old and I'm so in love!!!

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