Baby Chick set-up


In the Brooder
Dec 25, 2023
Hi, I am about to buy my first chicks, super excited! Before I bring any chicks home I want to make sure I have everything they need to thrive. Does anyone have any suggestions on what type of heat lamp I should get for inside before they’re ready to move to the coop? Also is a metal dog kennel (padded and comfortable as I can make it) a good temporary option to keep inside while they grow?
Wrap The bottom and sides of the kennel with screen, chicken wire or hardware cloth so they don't escape.
You want a warm spot and cooler spot so they can maintain their own temps.
They don't need padding at all, I'd recommend puppy pads for bedding for the first few weeks.
You might want to use a red light instead of a regular one.

New chicks may be able to squeeze between the wires of a dog kennel. You can just make a baby bumper with newspaper. Don't make it padded and comfy. They need good footing. They won't perch when you get them, but after a couple of weeks put something in the crate for them to perch on.

I always use newspaper for the floor, but last time I used pine shavings and was happy with it. I use a little ceramic dish for water. You'll have to change the water often if using shavings. If using a commercial feed, chicks like it with a little water added. I experimented and the moistened feed was the obvious choice. If using whole grain, you will need to presoak it. I presoaked chia seeds, flax, and quinoa, then added a little cornmeal. If making your own, look up a recipe.
The point of my article was to help people reach the conclusion that all brooders are unnecessary. Your coop or run are natural places to brood chicks much more to everyone's benefit.
This classic BYC thread is also a must read for people who are preparing for new chicks. I was in on the early days of discovering and perfecting this method of heat for baby chicks. It's superior in every way to red heat lamps. I've since brooded every chick in this manner, and the result has been consistently superb, convenient, and enjoyable, proving peace of mind for the safety and well being of the babies.

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