Shivering roo


Sep 19, 2020
Toby has been molting the last two weeks, and seems weaker than usual. He's been losing feathers on the head now and here and there on the back, tail. I occasionally see him shivering as if he was cold. I insulated the coop, and it is not that cold here yet either. I give him extra boilt egg and sunflower seeds, but this mornjng I saw him shiver again.
Is that he's just weaker due to molting or is he sick and I should have a vet see him?
Is he eating and drinking normally? Are there other quail that might be pulling out his feathers? Do you see any injuries? Is he less active than usual? Do his droppings look normal? Is he getting better or worse, or just intermitantly not feeling well?

Pictures would be helpful, too. 🙂
He seems to eat and drink as usual. I have not seen him mate as often as he used to during summer. He will more often stay in the coop, but I see the rest of the flock reluctant to go out of the warm coop too. No blood or injury marks, fewer feathers here and there, many pen feathers underneath. He seems to react more nervous than he used to when I take him in my hands to examine him but I thought it's some "trauma" after I insulated the coop (it looks different inside now). I noticed a few strange, green pieces of poo today in the pen (while no change in feed), but not sure if it's his and there is grass they can clip easily whicb might have coloured the poo.
I'll take some pics tomorrow but here's Toby a week ago when he already seemed weaker. Today he does not look too different.

Molting is stress for the birds. It uses up energy.
I give them extra vitamines during these periods.

Btw... very nice Brown-Wildpattern male!

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