Should eggs be put into Bator immediately after being collected???


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
Middleburg Florida
After reading thru numerous threads on Bators subjects. I've got a question on when to put eggs into the Bator.. I thought that I read that people collect eggs over several days before putting them into their Bator. That the eggs should be kept between 50-70 degrees. Then I saw a thread under " Fertile vs Infertile ".That people put eggs into the Bator almost immediately and candle at day 7. We had been collecting eggs since Feb 5th. We candled them last nite and saw nothing. I opened some and did see the donut looking bullseye that's suppose to indicate fertile eggs. Any thoughts would be welcomed...
You can collect eggs over a number of days. Store them at about 50-60F, not in the fridge. Turn them once a day, and keep the humidity at about 50%.

Allow them all to come up to room temp, then put them in the incubator.

Candel after 7 days incubation. You can candle them before you put them in. If you do this you will spot any hairline cracks, and other faults, and be able to avoid setting those eggs.
I have been impatient sometimes and added eggs to the incubator every few days, and the problem I have had with that has been at hatching time, and having time between clutches to sterilize and air dry the hatching incubator and set it up again and let it stabilize while still giving one clutch a couple days to finish hatching, clean the hatching incubator, air dry it, and have the new eggs in there three days before their hatch date to get the humidity up to 60% and temps stabilized. I tried once overlapping hatches and it smelled like something died in there after five days. I know you didn't ask this question, but it is related, just on the other end of the incubation time. Just thought you would want to know. Keep us updated on your progress. Chicks pics are always enjoyed by all!
40 EGGS!

Good luck! I started with 41 on the 30th of Jan and am now down to 29. I'm guessing I'll only have 24 in there when I take them out of the turners... but only 4 were not shipped. Out of the four of my own eggs, 2 didn't develop so the shipped eggs were actually better in this instance.
I used to put eggs in every two days or so....I just couldnt stand to wait, but now I put them in once a week. That gives me time to get each hatch out and the hatcher cleaned. Ive seen no difference in hatching percentages by waiting.
I have a doz, cochins eggs in my bator,
had them on the counter for 4 days.
before putting them in the bator,
candled them at day 8 in the bator
but am not sure of fertile or not?

did see a dark ness at one end of 11 eggs.
the last one was clear?? any help you can give?
also after hatching what do you clean up with?
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I have a styrofoam hovabator and I clean out the bottom with hot water, let it soak, then a soft sponge with dish soap with bleach, get it all soapy, let it soak. and I use a soft toothbrush gently to remove anything that needs a little help. when it looks pretty clean, I sprinkle it with Comet bleach scrubbing powder and just make a thin blue layer of cleaner on it and leave that there for about twenty minutes. I don't scrub that into the styrofoam, I just let it soak, and rinse it off. Anyhow, that's how I clean mine. It smells brand new afterwards.

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