Should I adopt feral hen and her babies?

What are some considerations you guys have?
1. Do they actually belong to someone else? Whose property are they on? For thousands of years people have been keeping flocks that take care of themselves, especially in the good weather months. I know it is hard for some people to believe but it has been going on for thousands of years. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is considered theft in the eyes of the law. Can you get them without trespassing?

2. Can you get them all or will you only get the hen and some of the chicks? That would mean leaving the other chicks out there to get by on their own.

3. I have some biosecurity issues but they are not at the top of my concerns. As @Brooks_ said, biosecurity is probably already shot.

4. What are you going to do with them? How do they fit your goals for having chickens? Why do you want them?

5. Probably half of those chicks are boys. What are your plans for the boys?
Is she truly feral or was she dumped? Do you live where there are feral chickens? If she is on/near your property and doesn’t belong to anyone/not feral I would say go for it. At that point your flock is already exposed most likely to anything they would have. If she isn’t near your property then I personally wouldn’t. I know too many people who have compromised their entire flock bringing home random poultry. That’s just me though I only take in poultry from tested clean flocks.
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I have a chance to adopt a feral mother hen and her 8-10 three week babies. I've only kept chickens for a year and we would have to make them a coop of their own. I already have 9 chickens. What are some considerations you guys have?
What is it that you think you can offer this hen?
What is the climate where you live, or better still fill in your location in your profile.
The chances of her integrating with the other chickens you have is slight.
Leave food for her and water but apart from that I would let her be.
Is she truly feral or was she dumped? Do you live where there are feral chickens? If she is on/near your property and doesn’t belong to anyone/not feral I would say go for it. At that point your flock is already exposed most likely to anything they would have. If she isn’t near your property then I personally wouldn’t. I know too many people who have compromised their entire flock bringing home random poultry. That’s just me though I only take in poultry from tested clean flocks.
Good question. She looks really good but they are in a neighborhood a mile or so away from me. A friend let me know they are pooping all over their front yard. My kids of course think this is a great idea
She looks like she would appreciate the offer of help. I'd coax her and her brood in with food and shelter. I'm sure she will friendly up quickly enough. I'd def keep her at a look don't touch so your established girls don't beat her and the chicks. They will grow on each other more than likely.
She looks domestic mix to me. Nice legs, a little thin.
I'd also like to know where you are at. If you have a high predator load then I absolutely think it is the right thing to do. You can always rehome her if the dynamics are too much for you. I fear if you do not act you may regret it. I know I would.
They have been since colonial times. But yes, they were an introduced species.
From everything that I have read the only current feral chicken colonies are in Hawaii and the rest have been essentially eradicated. Are there any other states with current active feral chicken colonies? I’m genuinely curious now about feral chickens in the US🤔
You probably did not see that Mike Rowe "Dirty Jobs" episode on catching feral chickens in Miami. He did not catch all of them, several were left to breed.

I'll include a link to an article about them. While most of these are in warmer states, New York is not exempt. They can survive in colder areas. Several years ago a member told of a feral flock on the Michigan Upper Peninsula.

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