Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

it's snowing

Sorry about the snow, but congrats on the new egg record.
It's a good thing you have customers lined up, otherwise I can just imagine a fridge stuffed full of eggs.

My Leghorn, entering her 3rd laying season, seems to have slowed or maybe even quit laying altogether. The sex link is having thin shell troubles again. Don't think hatchery birds are the way to go, at least for these breeds that are known for being super layers. The others have slowed a bit, but seem to be laying fine. The Ameraucanas from the breeder are each still 5-6 eggs per week. Not counting bantams, I'm getting 4-8 eggs per day from 11 hens.

The Cochin/Silkie trio was moved in with the Seramas in their lovely remodeled coop with a new covered run. The Serama rooster was not happy with the over sized intruders and started causing trouble, so he was banished to solitary confinement in the minicoop. The girls are working it out on their own, and as soon as the newbies can put themselves to bed roost at night, the rooster can come back. At this point, the Cochins and Silkie wait by the door of the run for me to come and put them in the garage for nighty-nites. Silly girls. They will go into the coop to use the nest boxes, though, so that's half the battle. I'll have to get some pics of the finished bantam coop.
W4W, I know what you mean about the hatchery birds... they burn out so fast - my RIR is only 2, but her eggs have been off since she resumed after her short winter break. they are incompletely coated so they aren't evenly colored, wrinkled from time to time...but she's still pumping them out. I prefer the EE's who seem to lay about 4 eggs a week each. so I don't get the highest counts, but longevity is worth a lot more. I got another new customer today, now I'm beginning to worry about letting these people down when a) I move or b) when October hits and #'s drop back to a dozen a week. I'll hatch as many as I can, I actually have folks looking to get some of my chickens too... but I can't part with any grown birds except the Fosters and I think many if not all may be spoken for. one of my friends uncle wants them. I'm torn... I am fighting chicken hoarding. but if I hatch, I need the space for my babies... and I need at least a dozen, for the winter egg boost!

good luck with the Serama roolet, I'm sure things will settle down in a few days and I can't wait to see pics of the new setup and the flock!
Smoke is popping in to say Howdy and to gloat about her egg today. Hey... 3 years old and still gifting me with eggs.
The weather here has been good. Sun... clouds... rain... sun.. it is in the 60s, so we cant complain. I am so excited that in 4 days... there should be pips and peeps in the nest.
TWO eggs... TWO eggs.... we laid TWO eggs today.
Good Girl, Smoke!

I am back up to two a day, again, at least for today. Hattie made her little blue green donation to the cause today.

Hope I get chickies!

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