Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Well they are definitely chilly but they're not babies. They are almost completely feathered and they look pretty cozy in their chicken pile. They're huddled up in the corner but by george that's what chickens do! They're not day olds anymore. I would have younger chicks in a warmer brooder but these guys are pretty tough. I'll turn it back on later but I feel like they do need to be exposed to cooler temps because even after next week when it goes back up to 50, it'll still be in the 30's at night and they're going to have to get through that, I'll be done heating them by then. I just came in from checking on them and refreshing their bedding and they seem fine.

They're probably fine, but you could put in a cardboard box upside down and cut a doorway for them. It helps hold in the heat. (If they all manage to get in there. Selects out the ones that aren't smart enough to find the way in!)
Have you all ever tried steaming eggs instead of boiling?!? I decided to boil all the bantam pullet eggs I had last night. I was putting them in the pot, when I remembered seeing somewhere about steaming them instead... So, I dug out my steam basket and put them in it... I waited for the water to boil and then steamed them for 20 minutes. I turned the stove off and let them sit until they were cool enough to touch. Since it was already late, I just put them in a bowl and stuck them in the fridge.... This morning I pulled them out and started peeling.... normally I am one of those people that butcher eggs when I am trying to peel them and lose half of the white trying to get the shell off... NOT THIS TIME!!!!!!! They peeled perfectly!!! And these were all fresh eggs, with 2 even being laid yesterday!!!!!

Anyone want to take a guess at how many eggs are in that bowl? It is a normal cereal bowl!!!
There are 15 in there!!!! They are TINY!!!! About bite size!

Gotta tell my dad about steaming eggs. He is quite fussy when they don't peel well and has been looking for a good method.
They're probably fine, but you could put in a cardboard box upside down and cut a doorway for them. It helps hold in the heat. (If they all manage to get in there. Selects out the ones that aren't smart enough to find the way in!)
They're in a box in my garage that is half covered with cardboard to keep the heat in and half covered with screen for fresh air. On warm days I take the carboard off. Days like today I keep it on to make it warmer. Hopefully when it gets back into the 40's I can finish their coop and get them outside.
we're getting drenched with major downpours which will turn to snow for our entire area tonight.
my area is due to get 1-3"... it's 50° colder than this time yesterday and we expect to see a drop of 20° more. just heard on the news that the flood warnings are moot. the rivers and creeks are flooding already. during work, it was raining so hard, visibility was nil, and roads were starting to get that wash out pattern, it will be interesting to see how much mess we'll have tomorrow - and I needed to get new wiper blades - such extreme rain and keeping them on fast for so long, the clips broke and the wipers wer zigzagging across the window... fixed the first one with a rubber band, then, of course... the other one went! same thing! so, I grab another rubber band, jump out, get drenched in seconds all to have the rubber band snap... sheesh!
I grabbed a record setting 26 Eggs this afternoon and Blossom is still sitting, so I'm hoping for one more! but still, never have I collected 26 in one day! Silkie laid again, so did Esther and Peach, all three bantams contributed, 8/10 from the Fosters... if Blossom lays, then only 11 from the Dome will have skipped.
x 26 + 1 (maybe)
Congrats CLindz! that is wonderful!

on last check, Blossom was up and no egg in the nest, but on the other side of the Dome, Delilah was sitting... I doubt she's there to lay, I think she likes the peace and quiet. it's snowing really really hard now! this is crazy!
I guess I shouldn't complain as were only getting rain. But we do have a frost warning tho only predicted to get down to 31.

It was so wet here today Rawley is a mess. He does not care at all if it's raining. He'll play around with no thought!!!! My poor floors!!!

The barn and fencing can't come fast enough! Tho we've been slowed down due to our tractor needing repairs.

So I've been obsessing about the fencing and run. I don't want to use PT lumber at all cause of the chemicals but unfortunately we're not rich enough for any other option. Hubby has agreed tho to use the "less toxic" PT for the chicken run. I'm trying not to let it bother me....seeing as I don't have any other option.

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