Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

That's about right. I saw that on fb too. *sigh*

Good thing I'm not following "the rules" huh? I had the chicks light on last night but I turned it off this morning. According to "the rules" they should be kept at about 75 degrees. It might be 35 in my garage.
I don't follow the rules either with chick temperature. Everytime I had it up to 95 when I was suppose to they seemed too hot. I just keep an eye on chick behaviour and go from there...
Well they are definitely chilly but they're not babies. They are almost completely feathered and they look pretty cozy in their chicken pile. They're huddled up in the corner but by george that's what chickens do! They're not day olds anymore. I would have younger chicks in a warmer brooder but these guys are pretty tough. I'll turn it back on later but I feel like they do need to be exposed to cooler temps because even after next week when it goes back up to 50, it'll still be in the 30's at night and they're going to have to get through that, I'll be done heating them by then. I just came in from checking on them and refreshing their bedding and they seem fine.
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When mine were little babes they would run around the brooder and then come back under the lamp to sleep all sprawled out. Right now with the light off in the 33 degree garage they are huddled up for warmth but I stuck my hand in the pile and it's pretty toasty. The first week I kept them at about 95 but I went down a full 10 degrees the second week and the third week I had them at 65 and they were totally fine. Last week they were spending days and nights in the garage without the lamp at about 40-55 degrees and fine but when it went back down into the 30's I decided to supplement with the heat lamp. Next week it's supposed to be 40's-50's again and I'll probably shut the light off for good then.
Mortie I think you have it down.... they say that it's the drastic temp shifts that cause the most stress so it's probably a good idea to start weaning them.

I have 4 eggs so far today and 3 WERE IN THE NEST BOXES. The one BCM still likes her nest on the floor but I'm fine with that.

My assumption now out of 10 chickens (all 22-24 weeks old) is I have 2 outta 5 EE laying, 1 outta 2 Silikies, Both BCM, and I think my mystery layer is Phylis because she's squatting and the egg is larger than the silkies so I don't think it's her or the other 3 EE.

AHHH I NEED MORE CHICKENS!!!! Looking for eggs is sooooo much fun!

Oh wait I've got 12 growing up....
Have you all ever tried steaming eggs instead of boiling?!? I decided to boil all the bantam pullet eggs I had last night. I was putting them in the pot, when I remembered seeing somewhere about steaming them instead... So, I dug out my steam basket and put them in it... I waited for the water to boil and then steamed them for 20 minutes. I turned the stove off and let them sit until they were cool enough to touch. Since it was already late, I just put them in a bowl and stuck them in the fridge.... This morning I pulled them out and started peeling.... normally I am one of those people that butcher eggs when I am trying to peel them and lose half of the white trying to get the shell off... NOT THIS TIME!!!!!!! They peeled perfectly!!! And these were all fresh eggs, with 2 even being laid yesterday!!!!!

Anyone want to take a guess at how many eggs are in that bowl? It is a normal cereal bowl!!!
There are 15 in there!!!! They are TINY!!!! About bite size!

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I guess 13???

I just saw something on FB yesterday about steaming eggs. I don't have a steamer otherwise I would probably try it.

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